Cartoonists reimagined Disney princesses in kinky sex positions and ruined our childhoods

When Snow White sang "Some day my prince will come," we never imagined it like this.

Now, I'm all for a little kink as much as the next girl, but when it involves scenarios that put the beloved Disney characters of our youth in compromising positions, I'm not really about that life.

But cartoonists Justin Hall and Tristan Cooper are all about it. The two drew Mulan, Elsa, Belle, and more in — well, just check them out for yourself. And check out the rest on Dorkly.

Note: These images are probably NSFW.

Who knew Shang was into pegging (but really, are you surprised?)...

Justin Hall and Tristan Cooper

When all your household items are personified characters, it might make you rethink this idea entirely.

Justin Hall and Tristan Cooper

Wait, wait — why the FUCK is she getting with the creepy-ass Duke of Weselton anyway??

Justin Hall and Tristan Cooper

Endurance game too strong.

Justin Hall and Tristan Cooper

Hall and Cooper made some other images...

Find them on Dorkly — and find Hall and Cooper's other works on their websites!

h/t Design Taxi