Liz Taylor. Icon. Husband lover. Wearer of amazing jewelry. In the next few months, the late actress's entire jewelry collection (which is worth more than $200 million!) will be going up for auction at Christie's and you'll never guess who's dying to get her filthy paws on it? Kimora Lee Simmons. Blech, right?
I don't want to see Liz Taylor's jewelry on Kimora. Elizabeth Taylor was a style icon, one of the greatest beauties to ever live, a thespian. Kimora is the annoying ex-wife of a super rich music mogul who has her own reality show and probably gets distracted by anything shiny. And she says things like this:
Elizabeth's always been my icon. If you think about it, I can explain it forever. First she had 165 husbands, I love it. I have a good one now but I'm not against having 165 if I could.
Kimora can't have Liz's jewels. That would be like giving Kate Gosselin the Queen of England's crown. Classy women should get those baubles. Classy women like this …
Angelina Jolie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's an obvious choice — and I'm not even a huge Angie fan — but she is otherworldly beautiful, a freak of nature. Those diamonds would look stunning dangling from her freakishly beautiful ears.
Michelle Obama. How fierce would it be to see the First Lady digging in the White House garden dripping in rubies? Probably wouldn't send the greatest message to the country, but I think it would be fun.
Cate Blanchett. Dude. The woman is all class. Don't you dare say anything about Cate. That is my homegirl, right there.
Meryl Streep. Really, is there a more deserving actress? She's won a bajillion Oscars. She's so … austere. If Meryl Streep owned a few things of Liz's, it would be a fashion orgasm for Hollywood.
Rachel Weisz. She's so pretty and quiet and British. Rachel would only do pretty, quiet, British things in Liz Taylor's jewelry.
Me. 'Cause it would be fun to type at my computer with a bunch of fancy, dangly gold bracelets.
Who do you think should get Liz Taylor's precious jewels?
Image via Filipao 28/Flickr