If only we could peek into the minds of our significant others and see what they really think of us. Oh wait, maybe not. Either way, it would be nice if our dates came with Magic 8 Balls or Ouija boards to help decipher their behavior, wouldn't it?
Sometimes, we simply have to guess at what our significant other is thinking, which can be particularly difficult at the start of a relationship when you're just getting to know each other.
So let's decode what he means and figure out if he's in love with you! Here are 10 signs that he's in love with you. Yes you!
How do you know that your significant other loves you?
Image via SimmiSimons/shutterstock
He smiles at you
Not just when he's trying to get some.
He talks to you for a long, LONG time
Guys aren't usually big talkers … until they find someone they care about.
He cuddles you up
When a guy doesn't love a girl, he won't cuddle her up. When he does, you know there's something there.
He genuinely cares about you
He wants to know all about you, your likes and dislikes, your favorite dinner, what makes you laugh.
He goes out of his way for you
That extra mile is nothing if it makes you happy.
Those quirks you find annoying, well, he thinks they're awesome
So what if you hate that you go crazy without having enough hand-soap, or have a Diet Coke habit worthy of an intervention? He thinks you're great just as you are.
The chemistry is incredible
You're both on the same page, you think alike, and when you're together, the heat is incredible.
He loves spending time with you
It doesn't matter what you're doing, so long as you're together
He'll compromise for you
Sure, you both want things your own way, but suddenly, he's willing to cave on things that once mattered.
He starts making plans for the future
With you.