Say it with me: Just in time for Valentines Day, Dunkin' Donuts is makin' the heart-shaped donuts. And they're oh, so sweet. This afternoon I picked myself up the Cupid's Choice, a Bavarian Kreme-filled donut with a strawberry glaze and pretty little hearts. Squee! Donut love.
It's been months and months since my last donut. And you know what? I love me, so happy Valentines to myself and have a donut. Don't mind if I do! Nom nom.
So… what do I think of this super-sweet, pink, heart-shaped donut? Is it really Cupid's choice, or the donut equivalent of love gone stale?
Well, it's okay. It's fine. I kind of like the cloying fakiness of that artificial strawberry flavoring in that frosting — mostly because I haven't tasted anything like it in years. The donut itself is that classic yeast cake, and it's nice and light — not weighed down with trans fats and gunk. The creme (oh, sorry, Kreme) is a perfectly good custard. I would have preferred the Cupid's Cocoa, but they were out of those. That's what I get for trying to buy myself some donut love at 4:00 in the afternoon! Overall, though, I don't think this donut is worth the 400 calories.
Ten, maybe even just five years ago this would have been one rockin' donut. But alas for Dunkin' Donuts, the donut bar has been set higher in the past few years. Last March I went on a donut-tasting tour of the city, and OH MY GOD, what they're doing with donuts these days is just freakin' amazing. I still cannot get that blood-orange-hibiscus-glazed donut out of my mind. But these amazing, artisan donuts are all sold in far-flung neighborhoods nowhere near where I live or work. So I never get to eat them. (So sad, right???)
Are my standards too high? Are donuts kind of like LOVE? If you expect too much you'll just be disappointed? OMG, I never thought I'd walk away from Dunkin' Donuts having learned an important life lesson, but I just had an ah-ha moment! Wow, maybe that heart-shaped pastry was worth the 400 calories, after all. Nahhhhhh. But I'm glad I tasted one anyway.
Have you tried a Dunkin' Donuts heart-shaped donut yet? What did you think?
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