50 ‘Surprising’ Qualities Women Really Want In a Man

There are some basic things women feel are the most important qualities a man must have when looking for a mate. Things like a sense of humor, must be attractive (to that woman), some smarts, and of course together you must have that spark to ignite the bed sheets into a smoldering pile of hot sexiness.

But there are other things us women want that we may not readily admit to yet can be a deal-breaker. I asked many women from all over the country about what they really want in a man. Some of these qualities may surprise some men, but I think all of us ladies have at least some of these on our 'list.'

  1. Chest hair. Not back hair, and not hairy all over his body. Just chest hair.
  2. Nice teeth. And must have all of them.
  3. Good looking feet.
  4. A guy who can be social with strangers.
  5. Must love his mom.
  6. Someone who doesn't drive like a psycho.
  7. A guy who puts gas in my car and washes instead of giving me flowers.
  8. Large hands.
  9. Soft hands. Definitely not sandpaper hands but not too squishy either.
  10. Someone who is willing to cook, even if he sucks at it.
  11. A guy who is willing to wear a princess crown in public if his daughter asks him to.
  12. Respect for women as equals.
  13. Broad shoulders.
  14. An intact penis.
  15. A circumcised penis.
  16. Geekiness with intelligence.
  17. A guy with good Joss Whedon knowledge.
  18. Someone who can play instruments and/or sing well.
  19. A man who is eager to please.
  20. Someone who doesn't freak out if I fart in front of him.
  21. Good endurance in the tongue muscle.
  22. A man who isn't squeamish.
  23. A guy who isn't ashamed to be both student and teacher.
  24. Someone who isn't afraid to kill bugs (or trap them and release them humanely).
  25. A guy who rides a motorcycle.
  26. Someone who knows how to drive stick.
  27. Must love pets.
  28. Someone who has the patience to learn how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
  29. Someone who can fix things around the house.
  30. A man who lets me do whatever I want to him … sexually.
  31. An ability to be spontaneous. Especially sexually.
  32. A guy who can pick up and go to a park for a picnic in an hour's notice.
  33. Strength of character, besides his physical strength.
  34. A man who knows how to operate firearms.
  35. A guy who will be a babywearing kind of dad.
  36. Someone who isn't afraid to say 'I love you.'
  37. A hand holder.
  38. A door opener.
  39. A guy who reads books.
  40. A man who is taller than me.
  41. A man who weighs more than me.
  42. Someone whose thumbs aren't glued to his phone all the time.
  43. A gamer, willing to play with me.
  44. A guy who can go to the mall and into all the stores I want to go in and not complain.
  45. A man who isn't afraid to get a pedicure with me.
  46. Strong thighs.
  47. A guy who looks at me when I talk and really listens.
  48. Someone who knows how to dress sharp.
  49. A man who knows when he's wrong and can say sorry.
  50. A man who can say "whatever you want, you're the boss" and he isn't being sarcastic or condescending.

How many of these things would make your list?

Image via Walt Stoneburner/Flickr