Has someone ever handed you a greeting card that struck just the right sentimental nerve to make you tear up or laugh out loud? They’re great, aren’t they? The good folks over at Hallmark and American Greetings are always touching on some kind of emotion, hence why the card aisle is such a giggly/sighing/awwwing time suck. A simple effort to run in and grab a birthday or anniversary card becomes a study in lost hours. At least for me, anyway.
Given how easy it is for card companies to capture the magic of just about any occasion under the sun—engagements, new pets, dental surgeries—it only made sense for some industrious web whiz to come up with zingers to express the awkward and sometimes debilitating emotions that go along with a divorce or breakup.
Thankfully, someecards took the guesswork out of every possible scenario with hilarious and just a smidge distasteful post-breakup snark.
Sometimes you know what you want to say, you just don’t know how to say it. Sometimes you know what you want to say, but you just don’t have the chutzpah to say it out loud. That’s where the perfect greeting card comes in handy to help communicate the hurt feelings and bubbling sarcasm that go hand-in-hand with separations. Maybe there’s at least one in the bunch that sounds befitting for your exed ex. C’mon. Press send. Do it. Do it. Do it.
What’s the best way to say what you need to say to an ex? Do you make one of your friends play his part in a game of role play? Do you craft a long email venting your deepest disappointments and hurts, then stash it in your drafts folder before you “accidentally” pull the trigger?
Image via ognjen.odobasic/Flickr