Poor Anne Hathaway. Her wardrobe malfunction was all over the Internets yesterday, and for once, I don't think this was deliberate. Usually these slips "happen" to shameless attention seekers who haven't been in the press lately. But as we all know, Anne's got more class than that. And anyway, she's already making headlines for her phenomenal role in Les Miserables. This kind of press she doesn't need.
Hathaway says the wardrobe malfunction was "devastating." And she's comparing the photographs to her Les Mis character being forced to sell her sex to support her child! I can see that. But still … why wasn't she wearing any underwear?
Anne says the dress she was wearing that night was really tight, and she didn't realize she was revealing so much when she tried to get out of the car. She told Matt Lauer this morning on Today,
It was obviously an unfortunate incident [and] it kind of made me sad that we live in an age when someone takes a pic of you in a vulnerable moment and sells it rather than deletes it … I'm sorry that we live in a culture that commodifies unwilling participants … It makes me think about the character I play in Les Mis, actually. She is someone who is forced to sell sex to benefit her child, so let's get back to Les Mis.
What she means by "commodifies unwilling participants" is that the celeb industry makes money off of people like her often without their cooperation or consent.
But back to the underwear, or lack thereof. First of all, in this day and age, a lady doesn't have to wear underwear if she doesn't want to. Let's grant her that at least. But I also think this was probably just the most practical way for her to avoid panty lines in such a tight dress. I mean, let's look at the options.
1. Thong: Uncomfortable wedgie, and anyway they actually do leave lines, just in different places.
2. Shapewear: A life-saver for many, and not just because they squeeze you skinny. They also help you avoid panty lines. But I doubt they make any in Anne's size. Just saying. No point putting Spanx on that skinny butt.
3. Seamless undies: I've got a pair of these and they're not bad. They're good enough for us regular folks, anyway. But I don't know if they'd hold up against the harsh, unforgiving paparazzi flashbulbs.
What else is there? Skip the undies and just fly commando. Really, any female celeb is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. You can get mocked for underwear lines, too. So she took a gamble. I'm sure a lot of celebs go undie-less all the time, and usually they get away with it. I'm just sad that the most recent person to NOT get away with it was someone who actually wants to keep her lady parts private.
How do you avoid panty lines?
Image via SplashNews