
There are certain subjects guaranteed to put an abrupt end to your domestic bliss. I'm not talking about those big, life-changing blow-ups (like after he announces he doesn't want more kids or you've gambled away your 401[k] on a bad investment). There are plenty of little, seemingly innocuous annoyances that can put a damper on a usually peaceful, happy home. Take a look at the 30 things guaranteed to start a spat with your spouse.
- How many times he presses the snooze button
- Taking out the trash
- Whose turn it is to take Little Bobby to yet another birthday party
- Changing the toilet paper roll
- How long a mother-in-law plans to visit
- Snoring
- Putting a cap on the toothpaste
- The fact he "Friended" an ex on Facebook
- Who takes longer to get ready
- Size the new TV should be
- Farting
- Washing the dishes
- Getting lost
- What to name the dog
- Cleaning the bathroom
- Keeping a gift an ex gave you long ago
- What temp the bedroom should be set to
- Which side of the family to spend Christmas with
- Burping
- The dirty clothes left on the floor
- Who gets to pick what to watch on TV tonight
- Emptying the dishwasher
- How to dress the kids
- He doesn't think your friend is good enough to date his
- You root for opposing teams
- He doesn't want to hang out with your friends
- He ate all of your cookies
- Walking the dog
- Which one of you is more likable
- Where to put things in the fridge
What other silly things do you argue about?
Image via outcast104/Flickr