The sex toy industry is like any other industry in that it has to keep "moving with the times," so to speak. It used to be that a sex toy was a sex toy was a sex toy, but now that is no longer true. The amount of insanely intricate, technologically advanced sex toys has skyrocketed in the past few years and now? Well, let's just say you don't even have to be in the same room to have sex any more.
Pretty hot, no?
But how is a girl to choose among so many awesome options. See below for 6 insanely high tech sex toys that will liven up any Saturday night (or Wednesday day or Thursday afternoon or….). See below:
Image via Sarah /Flickr
Crave Duet

THIS is a vibrator, ladies and gentlemen (not to gentlemen: you are no longer needed). The Crave Duet has about a million different speeds, a soft head that splits in two for maximum sensation, a sleek design and nifty leather carrying case, and best of all, it is charged in the USB port of your computer. No more battery failures! Wahoo! It is a little pricey, but well worth it when you consider all the benefits. It is also discreet and pretty. What's not to love?

This is a vibrator that can be remotely controlled over the internet (imagine the potential), set to your favorite music, and programmed with rhythms designed by you. If it could cook, I think someone would marry it. For $179, the Vivi seems well worth it, no?
Mio Ring

This one is designed to enhance sex, so your man will love it, too. It has a magnetic charger that easily gives it the juice it needs through any computer, which will make you happy once you want to use it again. And again. And again. Mio Ring, for the win!

This one vibrates and pulsates to the music. If you like music as an enhancement to your lovemaking, then this is the vibe for you. Plus OhMiBod is a cute name. It makes you smile, no? Can you imagine one of these with an 8-track? I think not!

The vibease can be controlled by your smart phone through an app. How COOL is that? Fun for you and for your man. Get to vibing!
Real Touch

Marketed particularly for soldiers away from their families, this is a sleeve for men that conforms to them exactly and can be manipulated remotely. Like through several time zones. Yowza. This is extremely cool and might help to keep those home fires burning when spouses have to be apart. It can also be synced to movies and virtual shows.