I know you're usually supposed to eat the sandwich with the soup, but why not take a walk on the wild side and put your soup in your sandwich? Wait, what? How is that even possible?
It's possible when you take two of the greatest culinary inventions, grilled cheese sandwiches and French onion soup, and put them together into one glorious concoction — French onion grilled cheeses. Throw in some crock-pot usage to make the perfect carmelized onions, and we are in business for some seriously yummy sandwiches.
French onion grilled cheese sandwiches adapted from Tasty Kitchen
Sliced sourdough bread
Grated Gruyere or Swiss cheese (about half a cup per sandwich)
Olive Oil
Carmelized onions*
*The Onions
It takes basically forever to make caramelized onions on the stove, so why not let your crock-pot do the work for you? Thinly slice enough onions to fill up your crock-pot at least halfway. They shrink a lot, so don't be stingy!
Toss them with a couple teaspoons of olive oil, and set on low for 10 hours. Yes, 10 hours. They will be a little liquidy, but if you take the lid off and let them go another hour or two, most of it will evaporate. Personal preference, really. You can use immediately, or just keep them in the fridge for things like French onion soup grilled cheese sandwiches.
The Sandwiches
On a preheated griddle or large skillet, place a slice of buttered bread (butter-side down) and top it with a little shredded Gruyere. Add half of the onion mixture and then more of the cheese. Top with a second slice of buttered bread (butter-side up).
Flip when the bottom is crispy and golden; repeat on second side.
Image via Annie/Flickr