Before we get into this story about divorce cakes, we want to offer this disclaimer: We are NOT saying divorce is something to celebrate. We're just saying: The whole process can be a draining, exhausting slog, and you can't blame a woman for wanting to rejoice when it's settled.
I know when my own divorce is finalized, I am definitely getting myself a tasty and well-earned dessert. But not just any old dessert. I'm talking about a divorce cake. It's like a wedding cake but it's for … the other thing. The end of a marriage.
Sounds politically incorrect and offensive, you say? Okay, fine. But we have elaborate, beautifully crafted cakes for every other big life event … Why shouldn't divorce have its day in the sun too? It's just a little treat to commemorate another milestone, something to sweeten a bitter experience. Check out these 11 inspiring divorce cake creations!
Click through the slideshow below, then tell us: Would you EVER dream of getting a cake like #7, divorce or no divorce?!
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Put Your Best Foot Forward -- Ouch!
The cake is all about putting your best foot forward as you step into your new life. With a little style and a lot of sugar! Oops, watch out for your ex! (Peridot Sweets, Las Vegas, Nevada)
We're Splitting Up
I love it — the little bride and groom toppers are so adorable. But that hatchet, yikes! What a metaphor. (Stephanie Palmieri of Three Cups Flour, San Carlos, California)
More from The Stir: These 9 Spectacular Wedding Cakes Are Totally Sweet Eye Candy
Because divorce turns your world, your wedding, and your marriage upside-down. Get it? Seriously, doing a layered cake in the reverse this way is no easy feat. And don't miss the little groom's legs sticking out from the bottom, a brilliant touch. (Elite Cake Creations, Cooper City, Florida)
Make Your Own Divorce Cake
Honestly, a divorce cake doesn't have to be that complicated. You could just take a regular wedding cake with bride and groom toppers and split it in half … like this one! So simple, yet so … brilliant.
Divorce Fantasy
This is a beautifully crafted divorce cake with, of all things, a Steampunk theme! Love what the little sign on it says! How clever! Respect. (Fiona Brook of Cakes by No More Tiers, York, England)
Just the Groom
This groom-only dessert looks like a simple but classy wedding cake sliced in half to make a divorce cake. It was a gift from the divorced guy's friends. Notice the creative placement of the icing writing!
Beheaded Bride
Sometimes divorce cakes get a little gory. No one is literally recommending a beheading, here (we hope!). Just a little gallows humor for someone who's been through a lot of pain! Note: Divorce cake shown here can double as crowd-pleasing Halloween dessert (cue wicked, spooky laughter). (Cannibal Cakes, Emporia, Kansas)
I Don't!
This topsy-turvy divorce cake is another impressive upside-down wedding cake. Marriage: It's a balancing act, right? Well, so is life after divorce! Our question: How do they get it to lean perfectly without toppling completely? Answer: Very delicately! (Becky Morrison of Becky's Wedding Cakes, East Wenatchee, Washington)
Broken Ball & Chain
The broken ball and chain is a common theme for divorce cakes. Gets the idea across clearly, doesn't it? Freedom is delicious.
Happy Divorce!
"Finally," this Instagrammer says, "10 months later!!" I feel ya, lady. Mine has taken over two years. But aww, what a lovely cake! Why, on first glance, it looks like one of those Valentine's heart-shaped cookie cakes that … OH. We get it now! Bet this marriage between giant cookie and cake is going to turn out much better than her actual marriage did. Congratulations!