10 Unexpected Sex Positions for When You’re Too Tired

I think there's a place in every relationship for tired sex. You know what I'm talking about? Sex for when you want to feel intimate, but don't have the energy to do anything too strenuous. We've all been there. So here's some positions (we're using that word loosely here) that will help you connect when you can barely move a muscle.

Are you ever in the mood for sex but also feeling to sleepy to do much of anything?

Image via bokan/ Shutterstock


Constantine Pankin/ Shutterstock

This is probably one of the easiest positions, ever. It's just a matter of getting the angle right. With your back to your guy, position yourself so he can fit himself in from behind. You may need to angle the rest of your body away for a minute. Then you can snuggle back together again and move as fast or slowly as you want.

The Twizzler

Michael Kraus/ Shutterstock

This is a twist on spooning. You lie on your side, facing away from him, but with one leg forward in front of you. He fits his top leg between your legs and then enters you. This should allow him to penetrate you more deeply.

Missionary Go Round

Anton Gvozdikov/ Shutterstock

Start in the classic missionary position with him on top. Now move your pelvis around in circles while he penetrates you deeply. Supposedly this will give you a burst of energy.

The Toad

Ekaterina Bratova/ Shutterstock

This is another varition on the Missionary. Lie back with your legs wide open, and then wrap your legs around you guy while he enters you. Rest your feet on his butt or hips and wrap your arms around his back. Here's an illustration of what The Toad looks like.

The Lazy Boy

James Marvin Phelps/ Shutterstock

First, turn the TV off. That part is super important. Then, while he sits in his favorite big armchair, sit on his lap facing him and rock back and forth. Here's what The Passionate Swing looks like — it's basically the same only you're in a cozier chair.

The Sleepy Dog

gp88/ Shutterstock

You lie on your stomach, legs spread, maybe with a pillow under your hips to make it easier for him. He kneels between your legs, enters you, and then once he's in he can lie on your back if that's easier. The tired dog looks more or less like this.

The Lean Back

bikeriderlondon/ Shutterstock

You lie on your back with your legs apart, knees up a little. He kneels in front of you, enters you, and then leans back on his elbows. The lean back would look at bit like this.

The Linguine

fototip/ Shutterstock

You lie on your side. He kneels right behind your butt, leaning a little over you, wedges a knee between your legs, holds your back with one hand for balance, and penetrates you. Here's what The Lingine looks like.

The Letter 'T'

pics4sale/ Shutterstock

He lies on his side, facing you. You lie on your back, perpendicular to him, with your legs draped over his hips and positioned so he can enter you. Rock away, baby!

Yin & Yang

Babii Nadiia/ Shutterstock

He lies on his side. You lie on your side facing him, but with your head in the opposite direction near his feet. Bring your knees up to your chest and then wrap your legs over his thighs. Entwine your arms in his legs, close enough so that he can penetrate you.