10 Celebrities Who Insured Their Most Beautiful Body Parts (PHOTOS)

Taylor Swift has nice legs. The singer's legs are so fab, in fact, that she just had them insured for an incredible amount: a cool $40 million. And the 25-year-old, who was apparently "embarrassed" when she found out the sum because she thought it would be a lot less, is just one of many celebs who have protected their best assets for the sake of their careers.

Lots of famous ladies get "protection" for their body parts. It's not nearly as uncommon as you would think.

Which one of these famous body part prices shocks you most?

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Taylor Swift

Splash News

Given her energetic concert performances, in which Taylor Swift dances up a storm, the star was smart to insure her long legs for $40 million. She's preparing for her next tour, which kicks off this May, so the timing is right.

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Mariah Carey

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Singer Mariah Carey may not put on her dancing shoes quite as much as Taylor, but that didn't stop her from insuring her legs in 2006 for $1 billion. If that seems like an obscene amount, consider this: she did it after snagging the promo opportunity to serve as the face of Gillette's "Legs of a Goddess" campaign.

Tina Turner

Getty Images

Tina Turner has dancer's legs — lean, strong, and sexy. Known for her amazing stage performances, Turner was one of the first celebs to make headlines for insuring her body. In her case, her legs are valued at $3 million. That's it?

Jennifer Lopez

Larry Busacca/Getty Images

Long before Kim Kardashian, Paper magazine, and all that oil, Jennifer Lopez had the butt of every woman's dreams. We're not sure how one hurts their backsides, exactly, but J-Lo wasn't about to take any chances: she had her famous butt insured for $27 million.


Evan Agostini/Getty Images

In 2007, Rihanna followed in Mariah's footsteps and served as a Venus Breeze "Celebrity Legs of a Goddess" ambassador. She also had her pins insured — for considerably less than Taylor's: $500,000.

Dolly Parton

John Salangsang/Lep/Splash News

Do we even have to tell you which body feature singer Dolly Parton is protecting? She had each one of her fabulous breasts insured for $300,000.

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America Ferreira

Larry French/Getty Images

America Ferreira has one of the brightest smiles in Hollywood — and it's going to stay that way, thanks to a $10 million insurance policy she has out on her teeth, courtesy of Aquafresh.

Julia Roberts

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Anyone who has seen Pretty Woman remembers that scene when Julia Roberts, wearing a stunning red gown, laughs and shows off about a million star-white teeth. The actress had her smile insured with Lloyd's of London for $30 million.

Heidi Klum

David Kotinsky/Getty Images

Model Heidi Klum got a bizarre offer while trying to take out an insurance policy on her legs. After she was examined, Lloyd's of London insured one of her legs for $2.2. million, but would only value her other leg at $1.2 million because it features a — gasp! — small scar.

David Beckham

Victor Decolongon/Getty Images

Female celebs aren't the only ones to insure their bodies. Soccer star David Beckham makes a living using his gorgeous legs and had them insured for $70 million in case anything happens to them.