How to Get Secret Rainbow Hair Color That’s Pure Magic (PHOTOS)

You know you want rainbow hair. It's like an ability to become a unicorn, a pegasus, the ultimate ROYGBIV of enlightenment. Secret rainbow hair is even more magical. It's hidden and peeks out from under the top layers of your hair like a burst of happiness.

Typically, your hair would be all one color, and then you would make magic with the under layers.

To get this enchanting look: Head to the salon. Well, that is, if you don't think you can do this at home. OR, you can DIY after choosing the colors you want to include in your rainbow. Go wild! You can sort of hide this look from your conservative boss as long as you don't wear your hair up or flip it too much.

Deirdre Novella, owner and Master Stylist at Badlands Salon in Brooklyn, New York, tells The Stir exactly how to get the whimsical style — ideally, with the help of a friend to help apply the bleach and color.

What you'll need: Powder bleach, 40 volume developer, two or more "fantasy rainbow" colors of choice (Manic Panic is a good brand, as well as Ion Color), comb, clips, tin foil, cape, towel, saran wrap, applicator brush

1. Keep it separated. Section out your hair with a comb from the top of your ear around the back to the top of your other ear and secure in a bun on top of your head with clips. 

2. Get snipping. Cut 4-inch by 8-inch sections of tin foil — approximately 10 total foils. 

3. Mix it up. In a plastic bowl, mix the developer into the bleach powder until the consistency is like yogurt. Use a plastic spoon, never metal. 

4. Try a little #teamwork. Put a towel on your neck, or a cape; then, starting at your nape, comb a 1-inch section of hair and clip the rest up. Have your friend begin to apply the bleach with an applicator brush in 1-inch sections, starting underneath and working your way up. Make sure that all the hair is saturated with the bleach. When done, cover hair with saran wrap. 

Depending on your hair color, bleach should stay on for only as long as it takes to lift your hair to a yellow color. You can use a blow dryer to heat it up to speed the time but make sure bleach doesn't dry out. Light hair takes less time.

5. Wash and dry. When color is lifted, rinse bleach out, shampoo, and blow dry hair. Hair needs to be dry to put on the rainbow colors. 

6. Let your creativity flow. Begin by separating two-inch sections of hair, painting on your color and wrapping each section in the tin foil. This is so each section doesn't bleed onto the next. Alternate colors in whatever pattern you wish. 

7. Chill, then rinse. When done, let color process for 40 minutes, then rinse out one by one and shampoo and condition (best done in the shower). Color will last longer the less you shampoo.

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Finalizado el #secretrainbow #rainbowhair

A photo posted by Solo Para Muñecas (@soloparamunecas) on

The look is gorgeous no matter what shades you use.

Love the way it looks when hair moves.

Arcoiris secreto #secretrainbow por @camilaypunto ���

A video posted by Solo Para Muñecas (@soloparamunecas) on

And it makes a braid look even more incredible.

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Fantastical perfection!

Image via _gatoberto/Instagram