One could argue that the Internet is pretty much just the world's largest sounding board, which is probably why everyone and their mothers are going absolutely nuts over the true color of a pair of Old Skool Vans sneakers.
Every social media platform has been circulating the photo of the shoes, prompting people to decide: white and pink or gray and teal?

Is anybody else getting flashbacks to #TheDress?
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People are going cross-eyed trying to decide what color the shoes are.

"Ew, my eyes," someone commented on a Facebook posting of the photo. "At first, I only saw mint and grey, but now I keep seeing it change back and forth."
Peeps (possibly with too much time on their hands) took to photo-editing software to investigate.

Allegedly, the bad photo quality and the camera flash are what make the shoes look gray and teal, even though they're actually pink and white.
Not so fast. Other sleuths actually found the opposite result while photo editing, confirming that the shoes are indeed gray and teal.

Is anyone else beginning to get a headache?
Time to go back to the original source. Apparently, there's no such thing as a teal and gray Vans shoe.

According to the official Vans website, the shoe shade is "mahogany rose/true white," which would technically make the pink-and-white choosers the winners.
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If they're *technically* white and pink, then this begs the question: How were so many people convinced the shoes were truly gray and teal?
Every person's brain is different and therefore interprets what we see with our eyes differently, Dr. Shanna Ray, a psychology professor at Lipscomb University, told WKRN.
"We know our brain tweaks what our eyes are receiving, but there's something about this that's triggering different people's brains to make slightly different assumptions about what they need to tweak," she said.
Wait, so who is right then?