Woman Bashes Engagement Ring In a Ring-Shaming Group & People Are Calling Her ‘Spoiled’

It takes a lot of things to make a marriage good — trust, communication, honesty, vulnerability. It's about so much more than just the engagement, the ring, and the wedding. But apparently not everyone sees it that way. A woman's brutal post about her engagement ring is going viral after she shared a photo of it in a ring-shaming Facebook group (yes, that's apparently a real thing) and asked how to "tactfully" tell her boyfriend she hated it.

The woman's post was screenshotted in a Facebook group and then shared on Reddit.


Her boyfriend hadn't even proposed yet — she just found the ring hidden in his nightstand. But instead of being excited, she asked strangers on the Internet to roast it.

The woman's post did notgo over well.


People called her entitled, pretentious, petty, and stuck up.


One person pointed out that the unacceptable ring probably cost at least $1,000.


Others joked that the ring might not even be for her.


As some pointed out, it's fine if your engagement ring isn't exactly your style, but there are more polite ways to handle it than ridiculing your bae.


We all have different tastes, and our significant others aren't mind readers. It's okay if they pick out something that you don't totally love. But there's a huge difference between letting your partner know you prefer a different style and shaming them online.

Others were just horrified that ring shaming groups are even a thing.


Luckily, one person explained that the ring shaming Facebook group is not usually as vicious as this woman's post.


Rings — even the special engagement ones — are just jewelry, but blatant disregard for your partner's feelings can sting forever. If you can't say something nice, maybe don't post about it social media.

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.