If you happen to wake up not looking like Beyonce first thing in the morning, you might want to avoid this new club set to open in Los Angeles in February 2017.
A brick-and-mortar version of the superficial dating website beautifulpeople.com, LA's newest club reserves the right to flat-out deny you simply because you're not good-looking enough.
I know what you're thinking: This club sounds like every image-obsessed bar in the Hollywood radius.
But this "beautiful people only" club gives the word "exclusivity" a whole new meaning.
The Beautiful People bar is intended to be a private, members-only safe zone for Perfect 10s to meet and mingle without fear of running into somebody who's *gasp* ugly.

Seriously. The place is strictly anti-ugly people.
Attractiveness will gain you access to a night of cocktails, delectable lean meat and raw food selections, and complementary hair and makeup service.

But first, club-goers must join BeautifulPeople.com.
To enter to the site, hopefuls are instructed to send in headshots, bodyshots, and a profile. Their "application" will then be rated by existing members over a 48-hour period. If applicants earn a high rating (scale: "absolutely not" to "beautiful"), they are able to start chatting with other Beautiful People, gain access to Beautiful People events, and can even seek out potential mating partners to create Beautiful Babies.
But the worst part about this soulless establishment? The club is actually PROUD of its policies.

“We get backlash [that] it’s discriminatory, but we’re simply owning it," founder Greg Hodge bragged.

Hodge told Bravo that in an ideal world, we “would look across the bar and see a person’s spirit or soul,” but since that’s not the case, he wants to fill that aforementioned bar with model types.
For those who dare argue that Beautiful People's concept is elitist and wrong, Hodge has a firm message: “Being ugly is not a protected characteristic."

“The fundamental principal of human nature is that we all initially at least want to be with someone we’re attracted to."
Because the idea for the new club was born from the website, the lucky LA-based members of Beautiful People will have instant access to Hodge's bar.

But what if members want to bring their decent-looking, only slightly attractive friends out to the club?

Non-members will have to face the on-site Beauty Police at the door.

Aka, ego-inflated bouncers who are given the duty to determine if a person is hot enough to enter.
Average-to-ugly humans will be turned down on the spot, but exceptions can be made for people with money.

Because beauty standards do not apply to the rich.
The exact location of the club has yet to be revealed, but thank god the Beautiful People club has its policies down before doors open next year.
Until then, the world's Beautiful People will just have to intermix with us "uglies" at the nearest dive bar.
So. Gross.
The Beautiful People club just sounds like a big bar full of bullies.