Millennials love a good Youtube challenge. From 116 coats of nail polish to 100 layers of peel-off face mask, it seems like we've seen it all.
But 16-year-old Valerie Christine bravely took on a beauty stunt no Youtuber has ever tried before: 100 layers of hairspray, a.k.a.: "hairspray mountain."
Very few souls are willing to put their luxurious locks on the line for mere internet fame, but Valerie dove in — dare we say it? — headfirst. Spray away, young grasshopper.
Inspired by Simply Nailogical's crazy challenge videos, Valerie wanted to bring a version of #polishmountain to her hair.

To start, she decided to tie hair around a spray bottle so her sky-high ponytail would keep its shape.

Creating a hair mountain is tricky. You gotta have the right foundation.
Let the journey to hairspray mountain begin!

"Coat one, here we go."

Not even ten layers in, and Valerie already needs a coffee break.

But by Coat 20, she's back in the game. The trek to hairspray mountain moves onward.

30 layers...

40 layers...

So. Sticky.

At Coat 50, Valerie had to let her monstrous mountain dry before she could continue on.

She cut out her top ponytail halfway through the challenge to see if the "peak" of her hairspray mountain would stay.

And it's SOLID.

*celebratory dance*

60 layers...

70 layers...

80 layers...


Her lower ponytail just gave up at this point.
Valerie finally completes the challenge with 101 coats.

"Oh my god!"

"I wanna cry."

That was our reaction, too.