Sure, we know it's not really nice to tell someone "I told you so." But when the person blatantly disregards what we say and we are pretty darn certain of the consequences coming their way, it sometimes feels justified to, at the very least, give them one of those looks. And if we are really feeling bold, we might add a few choice words to that look, which might leave the other person upset. Then we're not any better than where we started.
Reddit's Am I the A–hole forum is always good for drama, and a wife recently shared that she's about had it with her husband and his unsafe food choices. She told him not to eat something that would make him sick, and he did it anyway. Well, you can guess what happened. Who's wrong, the one who said don't do it or the one who did it anyway?
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The original poster has some experience in the food world.
She explained that she and her sister spent many years working in restaurants, which has made her hyperaware of food safety. She admits that she sometimes is a bit overdramatic, but when warranted, she warns her husband if something's unsafe to eat. He recently bought some sauce that she thought looked off, so she told him to take it back.
"'Hey, this looks weird and I don't think you should eat it. Take a photo, ask for a refund, and throw it away.' He inspects it and agrees that it looks weird but still puts it in the pantry," she wrote. "Over the next few days, as I notice he hasn't thrown it away, I bring it up a few more times to no avail and eventually drop it."
She dropped the argument and he ate the sauce.
Suddenly, OP's husband is sick as a dog and is vomiting, and she's certain it's because of the sauce. He had to leave work early because he felt so terrible, and even though she wanted to keep it to herself, she let it rip.
As she explained in her post, "'I wasn't going to say 'I told you so' while you were sick, but since you're feeling better: I TOLD you that sauce was off, I TOLD you to throw it away, and look what happened. Hope you learned a lesson."
She continued: "An argument follows. His points: he checked the expiration date (fine); he smelled it first (fine); him getting sick was a fluke, everything worked out, and I'm being an AH for acting like I knew it would get him sick. My point: I WAS RIGHT."
Well, was she right?
She wanted Redditors to give it to her straight.
They certainly did, and their opinions were mixed.
Some thought she was justified, such as this person who wrote, "NTA. He was warned, you're not his mom, he chose to eat it. Maybe the I told you so was a little petty, but you weren't wrong."
This Redditor disagreed and pinned the problem on OP, writing, "YTA. It's your tone. You've mentioned that you're neurotic about food and that you're obsessed. This is a very annoying trait for a partner to have."
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Of course, some Redditors disagreed with both of them.
There were plenty of people who thought the whole situation was dramatic.
"[Everyone sucks here]. Maybe he should have listened to you. But if you're neurotic about it, per your own words, he probably tunes you out," someone pointed out. "It's kind of 'the boy who cried wolf situation,' and I expect you're a bit overbearing with it."
Then someone else put things into an interesting perspective, commenting, "But you don't kick people while they're down, why would you do that to someone you like, much less love?"
Yikes, OP. You and your husband probably need to remember that you are both adults who can make adult decisions. And if you don't like the choices the other one makes, take a deep breath, count to five, and move on without comment.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.