Black Beauty Influencers Are Banning Juvia’s Place From Their Content

Since its beginning, Juvia's Place has caused quite a bit of buzz. Thanks to its mesmerizing packaging inspired by African cultures plus bright and pigmented eye shadows and highlighters, makeup lovers just can't seem to get enough. At least, that's what we thought. 

However during the brand's recent and first-ever foundation launch, influencers such as Jackie Aina, Alissa Ashley, Nyma Tang, and others have been rather mum, creating no content featuring the product and even declining responses when fans inquire. 

This weekend, after Juvia's Place reposted a review from Jeffree Star, our fed-up faves broke their silence, and it wasn't pretty.

On Saturday, Jeffree Star posted a video using Juvia's Place's highly anticipated foundation.

For many brands, the massive beauty influencer showing his support would be seen as a good thing, right? But many assumed that wouldn't be the case for black-owned makeup company Juvia's Place. Boy, were we wrong. The brand that has built its entire brand on the culture of Nubian queens and African heritage quickly reposted Star, thanking him for his review. As expected, the comments went up in flames. 

Most of us wondered how a black-owned brand could be so blasé about Star's past racist actions. But seeing as many black YouTubers have said in the past few months that they refuse to collaborate with the rapidly growing makeup line, we knew there had to be more to it. And there was.

Clearly fed up, Alissa Ashley finally spilled all the tea and told us exactly why many influencers of color haven't reviewed any of Juvia's Place's products recently.

"I’m just tweeting whatever tonight idc about the backlash but people have been asking me, Jackie & Nyma to review the JP foundation since it came out without maybe considering that the reason we weren’t doing it is because the company and the owner is complete trash," she began.

The owner didn’t give not one single [expletive] about having a relationship with any of us until she had complexion to launch because she knows people are looking for reviews from us. [Expletive], Nyma completely stopped receiving PR all together & then suddenly gets the foundations."

She elaborated further, saying that it wasn't until the foundation launch that the brand and its founder attempted to make amends.

"She also sent arnell an email because she trashed talked her for no reason, sent Jackie one, the list goes on, basically every single black creator that she didn’t give a [expletive] to have a relationship with UNTIL she needed them for her complexion launch," she continued.

"We all ignored it & then her [expletive] DM’s Jackie BEGGING her to review her foundation. I’m sorry, we’re the other content creators that you’ve consistently prioritized over the black ones not available?? I’m confused."

Then, Auntie Jackie Aina added her two cents.

She revealed that both the brand and its founder, Chichi Eburu, had blocked her on Instagram, and that Juvia's Place will receive none of her support.

"so HENNYWAYS. I’ll continue to stick to supporting and buying from the other incredible, self-made, black owned beauty brands who support everyone, not just use their black customers to get mainstream attention then spit on them on the way up," she said.

And after some fans expressed their skepticism with Aina, she was quick to debunk the theory that her issue stems from Juvia's Place not wanting to pay her.

"I’ve been kinda off the grid today so excuse me if it seems like I’m rehashing this but whoever said I declined working with JP because they couldn’t afford to pay me made this up. We have NEVER discussed or exchanged rates in any capacity, whatsoever," she clarified.

The "apologies" from Juvia's Place have been rather evasive.

"Please we ask that we excuse ourselves from this toxicity, We’re all about happiness, love and kindness. To those who feel let down we’re sending our love and apologies. Much Love. Juvia’s Place," it first said, offering no real accountability or sincerity. Instead it basically asked to be removed from the very narrative that it started.

And the apology from the owner herself was really no better.

"My name is Chichi Eburu, Founder of Juvia’s Place. I am originally from Nigeria, but I’m based in the United States with my family. I’d like to start off by thanking our beautiful customers who have supported us throughout the very long and difficult years. I’m honestly a very private person but I wanted to speak out and address some of the issues that have come up. 

The first issue we’d like to address is the Jeffree Star review. We are always excited when customers and bloggers organically love our products. Jeffree tweeted that he was going to do a review and we were excited. He then filmed and reviewed the product. Out of excitement, like we do for our other supporters, we reposted him and thanked him, but soon realized a portion of our followers weren’t happy about it. Jeffree Star was not paid an outright fee nor given commission. As a person of color, and an immigrant I, understand the brutality and struggles faced by our kind, and for those reasons I do not support any racist remarks and ill treatment in both actions and words made towards people of color, particularly black women. We understand there are disagreements, but everyone deserves mutual respect and love as we are all fighting our unique battles and challenges daily. We apologize to our customers. We can only ask that you give us the opportunity to make this right. 

Secondly, we absolutely love to work with influencers of all races, especially black women, as this brand was created as an expression and celebration of the Black Diaspora. I personally believe in the economic empowerment of women of color that are normally marginalized in corporate America, so at Juvia’s Place, our very small team is made of up of all women of color ranging from different ethnicities. 

Also, for the record, our foundation launch was our very first full scale campaign; and for our first full campaign, we wanted to make sure we included the very people for whom Juvia’s Place was created. We have not and would not ever ignore our black influencers. We hope to continue to grow, and continue to pay black creators who work with us, but we can’t do so without your support. Thank you."

And while we can argue about Juvia's Place's intentions all day, it's unfortunate that this has happened with a brand that many believed truly had women of color at front of mind. But hey, another day, another disappointment from a makeup brand.