Grandparents are the best. They aren't boring like parents are with all their rules and expectations. Grandma's house is where you go for candy, ice cream, and unlimited screen time. Who wouldn't love that? You don't have to fight your siblings and cousins for granny and gramps' affection because you know you're the favorite, right?
They probably play that "I love you all the same" game, but surely there is someone at the top of the charts. A New Jersey grandmother of 10 holds nothing back when it comes to her grands and proudly displays photos of them in order of her liking from top to bottom, right where everyone can see. Her comedian grandson posted a quick clip on TikTok, and people can't get enough.
The rankings are available for everyone to see at all times.
Mary LaMorte, or "Nanny" as she is lovingly called, has photos of her grandkids on a ranking board hanging on a wall in her home for all to see. Her 10 adult grandkids' faces are on magnets and can easily be moved around, depending on who is in her favor at any given time.
Nanny likes what she likes and will deal with you accordingly on the board if she disapproves of your choices.
You can slip rank fast.
Dan posted the video of Nanny's board on TikTok. He proudly showed off that he had the No. 4 spot — the highest he had ever been — but was concerned that he would be moving down based on the two new tattoos he just got.
He showed Nanny his fresh ink and asked what she thought. She was visibly disappointed and said, "This is what I think of your new tattoos," and moved Dan down to spot No. 10 as sad music started to play.
The whole thing started as a joke.
In an interview with Fox News Digital, Dan and Nanny talked about how the board came to be. It started as an inside joke among the cousins in 2015 and has grown to be a family favorite.
The grandchildren can rank up with big milestones such as getting married or having a baby. But watch out — Nanny will slide your magnet down if you don't visit enough.
"My grandson just had a new baby, so he goes to the top because it's a very good, happy moment," she said.
She also joked about Dan's new choice of body art. "And I'm not going to even get into demotions," she said. "Tattoos?" That'll do it every time."
The board has proven to be a great way to keep the family together.
Dan said that because the cousins are always concerned about their rank, it is an excellent excuse to spend time with family. "It's a good system to keep the family encouraged to kind of stay close together, to always make sure you're checking in," he explained.
He added that although the family has expanded with great-grandchildren, the adult grandchildren will not add them to the board. The older generation is too concerned about being outranked by younger and cuter competitors.
People on TikTok love the board.
TikTokers love the board, and they want to know all about everyone. How do you rank up? We know Dan got tattoos, but what did the last No. 10 do wrong? The comments are hilarious.
"We need more info on the ranking!" one person commented. "What's her thought process? How did everyone end up where they are on the board? So many questions!"
Another TikToker made a suggestion on how to sort it all out, writing, "I need a breakdown al la Abby Lee delivering the pyramid on Dance Moms."
And the last No. 10? People are really worried about what happened there.
"Imagine being #10, then finally thinking some1 else will disappoint Grandma more, only for her to leave you at #10, but hidden is #10 ok?," another person asked.
Dan, please keep us posted on your next move up. Does Nanny like desserts? Maybe a fresh chocolate chip cookie delivery and a nice visit are in order.