The penis-embossed makeup product that served as the perfect complement to dick lipstick?

Well, these peens have finally met their makeup match — LITERALLY.
Bitch Slap! Cosmetics has done it again.
The product is featured in Bitch Slap Cosmetics' "Netflix and Chill" palette.
The palette includes six highlighters — embossed with dicks AND vaginas — and is available on the Bitch Slap Cosmetics website for $130.
But these vaginas are also sold solo.
Bitch Slap offers vagina highlighters in three different shades, because of course.
The powder's labial design was selected after a nearly unanimous Instagram vote.
As one witty commenter pointed out, "WTF is #1 anyway? That ain't pussy."
The vagina highlighter is the latest addition to Bitch Slap's extensive line of edgy cosmetics.
Marijuana makeup, anyone?
But we have a feeling we know what's coming next.