It's pretty safe to say that, at some point, every woman (and some men) on the internet has received a dick pic.
And it's pretty safe to say that, at some point, every woman (or man) who has, has wondered, "why??"
So thank God for this one brave Redditer, who posed that very question to the dick-pic-sending users of Reddit in search of their honest-to-God responses.
"Maybe I thought I had a good-looking dick and wanted to show it off; maybe I thought I would get nudes from her in exchange."
"I did it one time. Not sure what I thought was going to happen. Maybe I thought I had a good-looking dick and wanted to show it off; maybe I thought I would get nudes from her in exchange, I don't know. But the laughter and ridicule of my '70s bush was not what I was expecting. Then I found out she showed it to her 80-year-old coworker. Never again."
—Reddit user decapsk8
"I generally send it to girls that I've hooked up with previously and try to 'make them miss me.'"
"I'll chime in as someone who does this from time to time. I would describe it as a kink, really. There's a certain reaction I'm looking for from the recipient and it just makes me feel good. I'm rarely looking for sex to be the end result of it — I think I just enjoy the reaction and it makes me feel like someone's impressed with me and has a sexual desire for me. I generally send it to girls that I've hooked up with previously and try to 'make them miss me,' I suppose. Not sure if it sounds pathetic, but whatever."
— Reddit user Tempacct16
"'It's like when your cat brings you a dead animal as a gift.'"
"A good analogy for girls' thoughts on receiving unsolicited dick pictures I once read was: 'It's like when your cat brings you a dead animal as a gift — I can see it's important to you, but what do you expect me to do with it?' That's exactly it."
— Reddit user vintage-tea
"It is a quick and easy way to gauge interest."
"I can't speak for straight men, but I'm a gay guy and will occasionally do this. To be honest, I realize it's a turnoff to many — but to some it is a quick and easy way to gauge interest. My dad taught me to cast a wide net instead of focusing on my favorite fish."
— Reddit user AsAGayJewishDemocrat
"I sent a few dick pics before ... to girls I have been talking to and it wasn't going well."
"It works like, 1% of the time… I sent a few dick pics before — not to complete strangers, not to your fucking inbox, but to girls I have been talking to and it wasn't going well. It was an act of spontaneity that has worked once for me. I don't send random nudes and If I did receive some, I would simply delete them. I understand that is not what everyone does, but that's me. If you don't like it then write a book about it and self-publish it."
— Reddit account deleted
"I have a big dong and I get off on the reactions."
"I have a big dong and I get off on the reactions. It made me feel good about myself, and I always felt like having a big dong sucks if nobody knows about it; it doesn't work to your advantage. But really I was just kind of horny and I wanted someone to find me attractive … It's really strange, but I imagine this is what most guys who do this are after."
— Reddit user itsreallyscary
"I largely had poor self-esteem and desired to be 'wanted' sexually."
"I've stopped doing it for many years now, but I used to do it all the time. It's difficult to describe what I was thinking when I did it, but I largely had poor self-esteem and desired to be 'wanted' sexually. It'd work often enough that it created a nasty feedback loop, too … But it really was more of a misguided replacement for trying to make actual meaningful connections with people who I felt I wasn't 'good enough' for."
— Reddit user Wienerdust
"I was extremely drunk and thought she'd find it flattering."
"I've sent one dick pic without it being expected, and never again. I was extremely drunk and thought she'd find it flattering. She did not. She likes to bring it up to embarrass me from time to time in front of all my friends 🙁 I mean, like three months later we hooked up, but I'm pretty certain the dick pic only slowed my progress."
— Reddit user DickPicSorry
"When I send dick pics to girls, it's because I want sex."
"When I send dick pics to girls, it's because I want sex. Many will be horrified and insult me, or ignore it, but some will message back and say, 'yup, where and when?' I don't want a relationship, and I sure as hell don't want to go through the crap of being nice and polite and false to these poor women, who I would essentially be stringing along for the sole basis that I can have sex with them. Go ahead, insult me, call me a creep — but at least I'm being honest with my intentions and not stringing you along for weeks fully knowing our relationship is non-existent."
— Reddit user KingBooScaresYou
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.