2-Year-Old Grabs Gun in Police Officer Uncle’s Home & Shoots Himself

A Missouri toddler is recovering after he accidentally shot himself with a gun that reportedly belonged to his uncle, a St. Louis sheriff's deputy. The incident occurred in a home in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson during a family gathering. The toddler allegedly found the gun unattended in the home and shot himself in the stomach on March 16. Thankfully, the boy survived.

Ferguson Police Detective Sammy Numan told KSDK he was there when the call came in and said the child was visiting his uncle when the boy found his service weapon. The deputy could face charges in relation to the shooting.

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The shooting reportedly occurred during a family gathering.

Per the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the 2-year-old boy wandered into a room alone where the gun was allegedly within reach.

After hearing the gunshot, someone called 911, and when police arrived at the Knolls Townhomes, the child's mother had him in her arms and brought him down the stairs. He was taken to an area hospital. KSDK reported the child was later released from the hospital.

The child likely didn't understand that danger.

Numan told KSDK that children, particularly very young children, don't comprehend how dangerous guns can be.

"Children don't understand what guns are capable of and when they have it within reach, they're often curious. They want to play with it. They want to touch it. … Unload your guns. Invest in some gun locks," he said.

Some say the gun owner should have known better.

The detective added that leniency should not be given to the gun owner because he has a career in law enforcement.

"I will hold you to a higher standard because you've been through the training. You know the danger that's associated with guns. … If you're law enforcement or you're a regular civilian, for every action there is a reaction and consequences," Numan added.

KSDK reported the Ferguson Police Department is recommending the deputy face charges relating to endangering the welfare of a child.

The outcome could have been deadly.

St. Louis Sheriff Vernon Betts shared a statement with KSDK regarding the shooting. He hopes the child will heal and that adults will be more aware of gun safety.

"Our prayers are with the family of this young man who was tragically injured. We are praying for his complete recovery. This tragic accident is exactly why I mandate weapons safety training and safe storage, including gun locks," Betts said.

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Ferguson Police shared a hopeful update.

According to the Ferguson Police Department's Facebook page, the child is doing well and should make a complete recovery. The department implored gun owners to be sure their weapons are locked away in safe places where children cannot get to them. Ferguson Chief of Police Troy Doyle shared the following message:

“In the wake of the distressing incident where a two-year-old child accidentally shot himself with an unsecured firearm, our community is reminded of the urgent necessity for stringent gun safety. We are all saddened by this tragic incident and our thoughts and prayers are certainly with this family

“Thankfully, the child survived, but the emotional scars of this event will linger. I implore every gun owner to confront the reality of this preventable tragedy and take immediate action to secure their firearms.”