Moms come from every background imaginable: wealthy, struggling, urban, rural, single and working, young and healthy, plagued with physical pain, working outside the home, and working inside the home. Which means we're all creating beautiful, diverse children with a vast array of experiences. Sounds awesome, right?
Then you probably haven't met the sanctimommy. You know, that lady who manages to make you feel worse instead of better after you leave the real or virtual playground with a look, or verbal admonishment.
Or perhaps you are the sanctimommy. But how do you know if you're one of these moms that thrives on being right while telling everyone else they're doing it wrong?
Read on!
If you believe your parenting "philosophy" is the only way and post links on message boards that back up said superior methods — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you have a parenting philosophy — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you're convinced that anyone who defends themselves from your attacks is just insecure about their choices, aka "just jealous" — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you talk badly behind the back of a frazzled mom, rather than lessening her load (without the lecture) — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you find yourself telling a new mom that pacifiers/non-organic foods/formula/strollers/going back to work will cause permanent damage to her baby — you might be a sanctimommy.
And if those choices by other moms make you "sad" — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you find yourself attacking fellow moms about baby safety issues instead of writing a letter to your legislator — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you bring your own snacks (allergic kids not included) to a kid's birthday party — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you don't have a degree in child psychology or anything remotely related, yet you think you should write a parenting book — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you deny being sanctimonious with the mantra, "I'm trying to help!" — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you find yourself using the phrase "all moms should …" — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you think it's any of your business how anyone else's child is raised past the point of polite interest — you might be a sanctimommy.
If you find yourself constantly having to defend yourself as NOT being judgmental — you might be a sanctimommy.
Are you a sanctimommy?
Image via Lara604/Flickr