Whether you're a Twilight-loving mom or not, there are many beautiful, must-read quotes about new motherhood in the fourth Twilight Saga book Breaking Dawn. While the fact that Bella (Kristen Stewart) finds herself pregnant by her vampire husband Edward (Robert Pattinson) — stay with me here — is a little, well, shall we say, less than typical, the book's passages on new motherhood will make any mother swoon and recollect on her own sweetest first feelings. Written by author Stephenie Meyer who's a mom herself, Bella's experience during and after the birth of her daughter Renesmee feels so right on, specifically in regard to those intense, first feelings of pregnancy and brand new motherhood.
Let's take a look at the 10 sweetest quotes about motherhood from Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.
We still don't know how far the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1 movie will go into the motherhood storyline, but let's read some of the best mom moments from Bella in the Breaking Dawn book. This is the best kind of mushy mom stuff!
1. "From that first little touch, the whole world had shifted. Where before there was just one thing I could not live without, now there were two. There was no division — my love was not split between them now; it wasn’t like that. It was more like my heart had grown, swollen up to twice its size in that moment. All that extra space, already filled. The increase was almost dizzying."
2. "This child, Edward’s child, was a whole different story. I wanted him like I wanted air to breathe. Not a choice — a necessity."
3. "I was desperate for the precious one I guarded …"
4. "My old mind hadn’t been capable of holding this much love. My old heart had not been strong enough to bear it."
5. "Her tiny face was so absolutely perfect that it stunned me. She was even more beautiful than her father. Unbelievable. Impossible."
6. "I had done it. Against the odds, I had been strong enough to survive Renesmee, to hold on to her until she was strong enough to live without me."
7. "Renesmee was real and I knew her. She was the same one I’d fought for from the beginning. My little nudger, the one who loved me from the inside, too. Half Edward, perfect and lovely. And half me — which, surprisingly, made her better rather than detracting. I’d been right all along. She was worth the fight."
8. "Renesmee smelled good in a very non-food way."
9. "For the first time, I understood how Edward had been able to watch me sleep night after boring night, just to hear me talk in my sleep. I could watch Renesmee dream forever."
10. "The days were not long enough for me to get my fill of adoring my daughter."
Oh alright, and one quote from Edward and new fatherhood:
— "I am purely full of joy, because I am missing nothing. No one has more than I do now."
Awww, this makes me remember those sweet first days after each of our two sons was born. Motherhood is hard some days, for sure, but it's equally as sweet.
Did your first days of motherhood feel this intense? What do you remember most?
Image via Summit Entertainment