Have you seen all of the trendy and totally chic maternity clothes that are on the racks these days? I mean — there is some really cute stuff out there, and a lot of it is even made by designers that we already wore and loved before becoming pregnant. Who says that you have to totally give up your sense of style just because you've got a baby on board?
Of course, the last time I checked, pregnancy only lasts nine months. And while it is totally tempting to rush out and buy a few designer maternity dresses and a few pairs of your favorite designer maternity jeans, it can be kind of hard to justify the cost when you will only wear them for a few months out of the year.
But a new website, www.fashionforwardmaternity.com, has come up with a solution to this little dilemma. They actually offer a service where you can rent designer maternity duds instead of buying them. Genius, right?
Ok, so I'm sure you're wondering how the whole deal works. Basically, you go to their website, and you can either choose to sign up for a monthly subscription, where you get to pick out a variety of different clothes to doll up your preggo wardrobe, or you can just rent pieces one item at a time if there is something specific you are looking for. From jeans, to office attire, to evening wear — they've got it all!
After you wear the duds for a couple of months, you return them (shipping is free), and then you get to pick out all new stuff, which totally makes sense since your size changes as your pregnancy progresses. Sounds pretty easy-peasy, right?
I would have given anything to be able to rent a couple pairs of fancy-schmancy maternity jeans when I was pregnant with my son. I can remember rushing out to the mall to buy them, only to realize that I was going to shell out a couple hundred bucks for a pair of pants that would likely wind up collecting dust in my closet after my son arrived.
And so I reluctantly left the jeans at the store and bought a couple cheap pairs instead. But man, I really wanted those high-end jeans. I still get a little bit jealous anytime I see a pregnant gal wearing them. It's just too bad that Fashion Forward Maternity wasn't around when I was expecting — I totally would've signed up!
Would you consider using a service that rents maternity clothes?
Image via fashionforwardmaternity.com