Get ready for cuteness overload, y'all. The folks behind the Roller Babies commercial that made us want to run out and get the newborn a teeny weeny pair of skates are back with a whole new take on how Evian mineral water makes you feel young. The way the Baby & Me ad plays it, we've all got a baby inside of us just waiting to break out and bust a move.
It might just be the cutest commercial I've seen since the Super Bowl, and that's saying something … most commercials featuring babies hawking products that aren't kid-specific tend to creep me out (E*Trade baby, I'm looking at you!). Check this thing out:
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pfxB5ut-KTs
OK, I don't know if it will make you want to buy bottled water, but it certainly makes me want to find a baby dance class, stat.
They have to have those by now, right? They have everything for babies, so why not dance?
I know when my daughter was itty bitty, I couldn't help standing her up on her wobbly legs and dancing her around (fully supporting her, of course). Maybe it's a stretch to say that's why she loves hip hop class so much today, but gosh darnit, she looked so adorable! And she did love bopping around to music even back then. She'd get her little head moving, her arms flailing, and she had the biggest grin on her face.
Ah … memories. Thanks to Evian for bringing 'em back.
What do you think of this commercial? Cute or weird?
Image via EvianBabies/YouTube