Moms, let's talk about breastfeeding for a moment here. When we're pregnant, nobody warns us about how painful it is. Well, maybe they do, but we don't really listen. We're too focused on the whole pushing a small human out of our vagina thing. Call us crazy, but for whatever reason, it seems like it should take precedence.
But then when we get started, we're like, "Ohhhhh! That's what everyone was talking about. I'll take childbirth over this any day of the week!"
Just kidding. Well, maybe.
Here are the 10 stages moms go through their first time breastfeeding.
Shortly after we give birth, and we're chock full of oxytocin, we're all, "This is a breeze" when we're first nursing our little one:
Then, a few sessions later, we're like, "Okay, now, this is starting to get a bit uncomfy."
We walk around the house, boobs coated in nipple cream. It's hot.
Our boobs are five times the size they normally are. It's hot.
We start losing any and all modesty we once had. We'll nurse in front of the mailman. We'll nurse our babies while we're going to the bathroom. (Oh, like you didn't do that!)
We're starting to feel like we really got it after a few weeks. We did it!
Buuuut then we get mastitis and want to die.
We wonder if this whole breastfeeding thing is even worth it.
Then theĀ mastitis passes, and we're back in a good groove. Everyone is happy. We did it!
What was it like for you when you first started nursing?
Image via Mothering Touch/Flickr