They've survived four years of high school, are officially adults, and are ready to proverbially "leave the nest." It's time to reward your high school graduate with a totally awesome gift. (College grads will like these too!)
Whether they're moving onto a college campus, going into the military, taking a gap year to travel, or have already started working, the move away from home is huge.
But you can smoothly ease your child into post-high school life with one of these totally awesome — and entirely useful — graduation gifts.
Who wouldn't appreciate #11 … so sweet.
Image via Peter W./Flickr
11 Gifts That High School Grads Will Actually Use


It's useful in every way: from finding your way during a backpacking trip to taking notes in class to calling your mom (and seriously, call your mom!), smartphones are beyond handy.
Gift Cards

Whether it's for Starbucks, Target, Walmart, Subway, or iTunes, gift cards are always a good bet. If they're moving into their first apartment, they can be used for furnishings. If they're commuting to and from work, it's gas money. Plus, with gift cards, you'll know exactly where they'll be spending their money. As opposed to cash, these funds will go directly to whatever you choose.
For college-bound grads, check out what's around the campus and which restaurants and coffee places are near. Trust me, the student will be beyond grateful to find that $20 Starbucks card once finals roll around.

College campuses are sprawling, and getting from dorm to class can be a hefty walk in most cases. So cut down on their commute time, and maybe save them from tardiness, with a bike.
For a cheaper alternative, go to Craigslist! There are always plenty of nice, used bikes available in any area.
And don't forget the lock. Bike thieves are real, people!
College Apparel

If they're headed to a university, any and all apparel with the grad's college logo or name is always, always welcome. Seriously, this'll become their daily uniform, their football game outfit, and even pajamas. Can't go wrong here.
Noise-Cancelling Headphones

A must-have! They can be used to cancel out that obnoxious roommate or can be worn on those long commutes to and from work. Plus, they can be worn silently to block out sounds for naptime. And everyone loves their siestas!
Alarm Clock

Spare them the embarrassment of running into work or to a lecture hall long after the start time. The charger/alarm clock combo will keep their phone alive and will keep them on time for any morning obligations.
Portable Speakers

Let them unwind with some jamz wherever and whenever they like!
Bookstore Credit

For your school-bound grad: college kids take classes; classes require books; books are expensive. Expect to pay anywhere between $100 to $500 for a textbook, so any bookstore gift cards or credit will absolutely help out.
Interview Attire

Useful for anyone! Whether it's a formal family occasion or a prospective job interview, they'll be more than happy to have that official outfit ready.

Having luggage to neatly pack away the essentials is important. If they're off to school, it'll come in handy for spring break and home visits. If they're headed abroad or into the military, consider a backpack for easier transport!
A Sentimental Token

It's a little sentimental and totally cheesy, but every grad should get a copy of Dr. Seuss' classic tale.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose …" How fitting?!