There's something about sisters that make everything okay: sweet, sensible, keeper of secrets, these behind-the-scenes operators are the balm that keeps family bonds warm and fuzzy. (Except for when you borrow her clothes.) And science backs this up: Sisters not only are proven to be good for our mental health, but help their brothers snag dates! But it's not all good news. To hear more about the impact sisters have, both positive and negative, on you (if you have sisters) or your kids (if they do), see the slideshow below, which is full of surprises.
Holy moly #4! Think that's true for your family?
Image © iStock.com/CaseyHillPhoto
Sisters Are Good for Your Mental Health

Sisters really can be a calming influence: A study at Brigham Young University found that siblings with sisters have better mental health.
Sisters Help Brothers Snag Dates

One study found that boys with older sisters grow up to be more liked by female acquaintances as adults. And hey, this bodes well for their dating life!
Sisters Turn Brothers Into Republicans

Sisters turn their brothers into Archie Bunkers! A study by the Journal of Politics found that the presence of sisters make men more politically conservative.
Sisters Turn Brothers Into Slobs

That same Journal of Politics study also found that brothers with sisters don't pitch in as much with housekeeping in their own family while growing up, or as adults for their wives if they marry … and we hope that's a big if.
Sisters Make You Powerful

Unlike male baboons who use brute strength to muscle their way to the top of their social hierarchy, female baboons achieve the same end through sisterly love. Research from Duke University found that the more supportive sisters a female baboon had, the higher their social status, which came with perks like better access to food and mates. Maybe the same is true for humans, too.
They're Trusted Confidants About Matters of the Heart

Need some relationship advice? Sisters make the best sounding boards. According to research by the University of Missouri-Columbia, sisters listened to their siblings vent and shared stories of their own dating travails far more so than brothers.
Sisters Promote Safe Sex

The same study by the University of Missouri-Columbia found that sisters encourage their siblings to practice safe sex. They're like having your own personal Planned Parenthood hotline in your home.
They're Less Likely to Bully You

Sure, it's true that older siblings often pick on younger ones. But big sisters not so much: One Italian study of 195 children with siblings found that older sisters are less likely to bully their siblings than older brothers. But you knew that.
Sisters Will Step Forward to Care for Parents

Once your parents are old and in need of assistance, you'd better hope you've got a sister around to step up to the plate: One study showed that sisters are twice as likely as their brothers to care for elderly parents. Let's hear it for your big-hearted sis!
More from The Stir: 13 Surprising Scientific Facts About Siblings