Labor doesn't always begin the way you think it will based on the movies — with that gush of water breaking coupled with massive, unmistakable contractions. On the contrary, things often start off far more subtly, and unless you know what the symptoms are, you could miss them completely. To help clue you in, here are a few of the more surprising signs you're in labor and your baby is on its way.

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Urge to Clean or Nest

If you're on a tirade scrubbing your kitchen tiles or organizing your medicine cabinet, that could mean labor will kick in all too soon. "It could be hormone related," says Deena Blumenfeld, a childbirth educator in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and founder of Shining Light Prenatal. Or your body could just know a baby's on its way — better get ready!
Swollen Lips

According to a poll of 60,000 moms by SmartMom, an app where moms swap stories and advice, some women report that their lips felt and looked swollen days before labor actually started.
Huge Appetite

Sure, you've been "eating for two" for a while anyway, but according to SmartMom women report a new spike in their appetite in the days before labor. Researchers theorize it's the body's way of fueling up for the long road ahead — it's called "labor" for a reason!

Wait, wasn't losing your lunch just a first trimester problem? Nope. The hormonal changes of early labor can cause nausea — consider it the body's way of "cleaning house" before you deliver.
More from The Stir: Signs of Labor: Real Contractions or Braxton-Hicks?

Yup, this is yet another fun side effect of early labor. "It happens because a spike in the hormone progesterone loosens up the bowels," says Blumenfeld. "This is also why women often get loose bowels when they get their period as well."
Back Pain

Sure, your back is probably killing you because you're carrying a heavy load upfront, but if the back pain appears in a more predictable pattern — coming and going every 15 minutes — that's called "back labor" and means the baby is on its way!
Vaginal Discharge

If, during your next bathroom trip, you spot a wad of blood or boogers, this could mean you've lost your mucous plug — which doesn't look like a "plug," just a big gooey mess. "This indicates that your cervix has started to dilate, releasing the protective mucous layer above the inner cervix," says Jenny Jaque, MD, an OB/GYN at Health Goes Female.
More from The Stir: Do Labor Pains Really Hurt?
You Accidentally Pee Yourself

"Your water may not break in a big flood," says Blumenfeld. "Instead, it may just be a trickle or drip that might make you think, 'Did I just pee myself?'" The only way to tell, unfortunately, is to smell it: pee smells like pee, amniotic fluid should smell like nothing or a little bit sweet.
You've Gotta Poop

"Pressure in your rectum that feels like you are about to have a bowel movement could actually be your baby’s head dropping lower into the pelvis getting ready for labor to begin," says Dr. Jaque.
Sudden Exhaustion

If you're catching more ZZZ's than usual or napping up a storm, that could be a sign your pregnancy is near its end. Researchers chalk this up to hormonal changes or just your body's way of resting up before the big day.
More from The Stir: 10 Labor & Delivery Problems No One Warns You About