On April 1st, no one is safe. Not even the kids. April Fools' Day pranks are the stuff of legends. They run the gamut from mean to helplessly hilarious. So get the kids in on the fun. Harmlessly, of course.
We chatted with moms about the funniest April Fools' Day pranks they've ever played on their kids, and some of these tricks are so hilarious, you'll want to add them to your repertoire.
So get planning, stock up on supplies, and wait for them to go to sleep. Then, let the fun begin.
Have you ever thought to do #6? It's the stuff of an evil genius!
Image via Lady Create-a-Lot
Colored Water
They turn on the faucet, and BAM! It's all blue water. Find out how to trick them with this color-changing April Fools' trick over at Kids Activities Blog.
The Suspicious Toothpaste
Their first task of the day: to brush their teeth. Squeeze some mustard into the tip, and watch as they stare in horror at what oozes from the tube.
Tricky Breakfast
Do you usually serve your children a savory breakfast, complete with their own individual fried eggs? This trick will get them. Instead of a pan-fried egg, serve them this incognito sweet concoction. They'll never expect it!
And Dinner Too!
Don't even think about letting up when they come home from school. The pranks shall live on! Announce that you'll be serving spaghetti and meatballs, but do so with a twist! They'll be shocked when they discover the contents of this tricky spaghetti dish.
More from The Stir: Crazy April Fools' Day Pranks Kids Pull on Parents — Consider Yourself Warned! (VIDEOS)
And, Of Course, Dessert!
Or, get them with this: say that you're serving dessert before dinner. They'll be so shocked that they won't notice these cupcakes are actually surprisingly savory…
Or Serve Them Some Brown-E's
Surprise Shower
Just make sure you don't forget about this one and prank yourself! Using a bit of clear tape, tape down the handle on the kitchen spray sprout. Then, when they turn on the sink, it'll automatically douse them unsuspectingly.
Sly Switch
It's simple but oh-so-tricky. Just swap out the sugar with the salt, and watch their confused faces when their morning grapefruits start tasting just a little unsweetened.
More from The Stir: 9 April Fools' Pranks for Last Minute Fun
Clothes Swap
Do this only if you're very sly and the kids are super heavy sleepers. While they're snoozing, switch out the clothes in their rooms. When they wake up, tell them to put their outfit together and LOL as they try to figure out what happened to their wardrobe.
Hey... Wait a Second!
Watch as they reach for their cup and attempt to drink the drink that won't move. They'll get it after a few seconds, but those are definitely worth it.
Oreo Snack
Step 1: open the Oreos.
Step 2: remove (and enjoy!) the filling.
Step 3: replace with solid white toothpaste.
Step 4: serve.
Step 5: cackle.
The Soap That Won't Lather
Coat the soap with clear nail polish. Place in the soap dish. Listen to them laugh and desperately try to figure out why their bar of soap just won't make any bubbles!
More from The Stir: 5 April Fools' Day Tech Pranks Guaranteed to Make Your Victims CRAZY
Just Plain Evil
They're caramel-covered apples with a twist — caramel … onions.
Beware: as soon as they take a bite, they'll start planning their revenge.
But Most of All...
Make sure that they don't have a chance to get you.
Leave them this note, then proceed to do all of the items on this list.