Mom Sees Her Dead Grandfather in Her Baby’s 4D Ultrasound (PHOTO)

Have you ever taken a closer look at something and felt you saw more than meets the eye? Jade Hornsby is a London mum who believes to this day that she saw her deceased grandfather in her baby's 4D ultrasound

Her granddad Jack Hornsby passed away in 2007, just six years before Jade's daughter Lacey-Mae Head was born. While he'll never get to meet his great-granddaughter, at least Jade and her family (Jade's mom also thinks Jack made a cameo in the ultrasound) now have a keepsake that includes a missing loved one.

At first glance, it does kinda look like there's a profile of someone's face next to Lacey-Mae when she was in the womb — but does that mean it was her grandfather?

You be the judge.

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This isn't the first time people have seen questionable things inside a photo, and if the Hornsby clan wants to believe a family member is in the image, who am I to judge?

The more I think about this, the more I think about things unseen — and possible relatives who could be standing next to me … right now.

Image via Irish Daily Mirror/Twitter