19 Cringeworthy Gender Reveal Fails That Are So Freaking Funny

In addition to searching the ends of the earth for the perfect baby name and planning a shower a mom is really not supposed to help with, many expectant moms (and dads) look for creative ways to share their baby's gender with the masses. Sometimes it goes as planned, and sometimes … well, let's just say it becomes a memory they'll never forget. These gender reveals started off with the best intentions, but we hate to admit this — they turned out to sort of be fails.

More from CafeMom: 15 Outrageously Inappropraite Gender Reveal Cakes

Gender reveals can be super awesome and a fun way to document the journey on the road to becoming a parent. In theory they are these big creative endeavors that parents spend weeks planning and turn into Instagram-worthy keepsake photos that will be cherished forever … They can also be a pain in the ass — or a hilarious experience, depending on a parent's sense of humor — should things go terribly wrong. We can only imagine how these parents felt the moment they realized their gender reveals started taking a turn for the unexpected. At least they can use these mini catastrophes as stories to tell their kids. (There's always a bright side, right?) Click through to see our favorite fails! 

More from CafeMom: 10 Creative Ways to Reveal Baby's Gender



We've heard of taking creative liberties before, but this cake leaves us all sorts of confused. Poor Dad doesn't seem to know what to make of his gender reveal cake that shows pink (girl), brown/chocolate (boy), and a hint of blue. "There is only one baby and I see TWO flavors," he captions on Instagram.

Rainbow of a Fail

Aww. It's hard *not* to feel some kind of way for this family — especially Mom — who look sooo excited to open their box of gender-revealing balloons. Too bad whoever packed this box didn't get the memo that blue means boy and pink means girl.

Shooting Blanks

Note to self: It's probably not a good idea for expectant parents to stand in front of a homemade canon that will blast said parents with paint to reveal their baby's gender. (Bonus points for covering Mom's belly with a pillow — we mean, "Protectron 800.")

Thankfully, Mom and Dad were unharmed as the canon malfunctioned. 

… Their friend in charge, however, was not so lucky.

"F*ck, dude."

You might want to put some ice on that, buddy.

Gone With the Wind


Haha, we can totally see this happening! Dang those Santa Ana winds for taking these expectant parents' gender reveal balloon — without so much as popping in the air to let them know if they have a little girl or boy on the way. "I think it's a sign that this little babe is going to march to the beat of their own drum. I like that," Mom captions on Instagram.

Striking Out

Third time's a charm, right? We give this family props in the creativity department, but can't stop laughing at all the failed attempts to hit this baseball — and reveal the baby's gender. 

More from CafeMom: Couple's Gender Reveal Has an Ending Nobody Saw Coming

Color Bomb


Somehow, this photo inspires us to start humming "Colors of the Wind" from Pocahontas. Michaela and her love likely weren't expecting the wind to switch up on them as they set off this gender-revealing smoke bomb — LOL.

Hey, the picture is still cute!

'Sharp Shooter'

Everyone has the right to exercise the Second Amendment (kidding, this isn't that type of gun) — including Dad and his little boy. While this duo did hit their intended target, a balloon that would reveal whether or not big-brother-to-be has a brother or sister on the way, this stubborn balloon just did not want to pop! How rude!

Ultra(sound) Confusion

It's crazy to think the ultrasound you received from an ultrasound company and the one your doctor gave you — both revealing baby's gender — would be different. But guess what? It totally happened!

More from CafeMom: 6 Ways to Tell Baby's Gender From an Early Sonogram

Water Balloon Fail

How many people does it take to throw paint-filled water balloons and reveal baby's gender? Answer: Not six. (Ha.) We give this family an A for effort, as these stubborn balloons just didn't want to pop. "I should have bought the cheap water balloons instead of the nicer tie-dye ones," mom Brianna captions on her YouTube post.

Pizza Catastrophe


"This was suppose to be my gender reveal for the grandparents … total flop, should read 'It's a boy' but Domino's apparently doesn't know how to place pepperonis close together!" Aww. Maybe the person making the pizza got confused — or had sausage on the brain.

Heads Up

"The idea was to put a bunch of pink colored balloons into the box, pull the string, and have the pink balloons come out to reveal we were having a baby girl," Dad explains on YouTube. "I got a little aggressive on the pull and this is what happened instead …"

Oh no! Poor, poor Mom!

Seeing as Brian posted this video on social media, we're going to assume his wife is okay. 

More from CafeMom: 15 Outrageously Inappropriate Gender Reveal Cakes

Um, Where Are the Balloons?

Aww! You have to feel for these expectant parents who looked sooo excited to find out whether they're having. Too bad the person in charge of the gender reveal box forgot an important component: the darn balloons, LOL! Thankfully, all was well as take two revealed a baby boy is on the way. Congrats!

Ready to Pop?

Come on, balloon! Can't you act right?

Mary and Olaf might not have been able to pop their gender reveal balloon as planned (the balloon had a hole in it), but at least Mom-to-be was able to pull out the blue confetti!

Hungry, Hungry Daddy

In fairness to Chad, no one told this dad-to-be that the cupcakes in front of him weren't to be eaten like he skipped meals for three days straight. Though Dad missed out on the pink center, you can tell he's excited to be a father … and clearly loves cupcakes.

More from CafeMom: Gender-Reveal Parties Need to Go — Here's Why

Knife Toss

Thank goodness no one was walking in front of these expectant parents who were trying to pop these gender reveal balloons! It took a little while before Mom and Dad found out they're having a boy, but at least they got to work on their knife-wielding skills.

Going, Going, Gone

Poor, poor dad will never be able to live this one down — but it wasn't entirely his fault, LOL! It has to be hard trying to aim and fire a ball into a gender reveal balloon with a lacrosse stick … this earns this dad-to-be an A for effort. Too bad Mother Nature had other plans for the occasion as the balloon flew away before anyone could find out whether Dad is expecting a girl or a boy.

Cake Smash 2.0

Leave it to a prankster's girlfriend to get the last laugh. (Ha!) Mom-to-be had so much fun smashing a cake in Erik's face as he slept. Dad seems so shocked and happy that makes it that much harder not to laugh and smile at this growing family. What a gender reveal!

More from CafeMom: 20 Gender Reveal Cakes Almost Too Extraordinary to Eat

'I Didn't Want a Baby Sister'

We encourage our kids to be truthful, which is why this gender reveal fail is a bit sad … and funny. Poor little Wyatt wanted a brother — perhaps to equal things out with this two sisters — but it looks like he'll have to make room for sister number three as mom is expecting another girl. Cheer up, little guy — it will be okay!

Piñata Face

Dad was soo excited to learn whether he's having a son or a daughter that he swung the bat as hard as he could to open the piñata. 

… The problem, however, is that Mom-to-be got the brunt of that excitement. (Ouch.)

Thankfully, it doesn't look like Mom was hurt in any way as she was laughing through the whole ordeal!