
The baby’s crying (again). Yesterday’s dinner dishes are still in the sink. You can’t find a pair of clean socks. And your office emailed to see if you could just answer this one question… Life with an infant pulls you in a million directions at once. The only way to get it all done, it seems, is to take on six things at a time. But that’s easier said than done, so we’ve assembled these surefire tips and tricks to help you multitask through your crazy, busy, baby-centric days:
- Don’t do it. Really. Ignore those viral photos of moms pumping breastmilk while grocery shopping while closing a multi-million-dollar deal. At least in the early days, give yourself permission to do just one thing at a time.
- Be reasonable. We know, one thing at a time isn’t always possible. But when you do need to multitask, don’t expect too much of yourself. Play peek-a-boo with your baby while you fold the laundry, but maybe don’t try to squeeze in a set of squats, too.
- Use timers, apps, and gadgets. Sleep deprivation does strange things to your memory, so whatever technology helps you get through the day: Go for it.
- Prioritize. Does the dusting really have to get done today, or can it wait until you don’t have 17 other responsibilities? Pro tip: Include yourself in your priorities. A half-hour of quiet time on the sofa is every bit as necessary as the other items on your to-do list.
- Live routinely. Babies are full of surprises, so the more parts of your life you can shape into predictability, the better. Knowing when and how you’ll get things done will help you go with the flow (ahem) when the sudden puking starts.
- Wear your baby. He’ll feel safe and warm—and probably snooze better—while your hands are free to accomplish other things.
- Buy in bulk. Any shopping trip that requires you to pack the diaper bag, buckle your newborn into her car seat, and drive somewhere should provide enough to last a while. Pick up the Huge Value pack of New Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers available only at Walmart and you’ll have a nice big stash of long-lasting protection, giving you more time to hug, play, and laugh with your baby before replenishing.
- Ask for—and accept—help. You do not have to do everything yourself. Make one of your multi-tasks deciding which jobs you’ll let someone else tackle.
- Don’t forget to laugh. The biggest danger in multitasking is taking it all too seriously.
How do you juggle everything on your to-do list?