When it's time to celebrate your little one's very first birthday, you may hold the party in the comfort of home, choose a kid-friendly spot, or go for a place that adult guests will enjoy too. Here, an event planning expert and other moms share their best ideas for baby birthday party venues — and what to consider when ultimately deciding where to host your baby's first fete.
Consider Your Guest List
"Think about the other guests [who] will be in attendance. If you're planning on inviting friends and family with older kids, it's important to pick a space that allows for activities for kids of that age range. Having a party at a local park is always a fun idea since there are recreational areas and places for older kids to play. Many cities have fantastic kid-friendly places that specialize in kids' parties — like My Gym or Giggles 'N' Hugs. My favorite part about these establishments is that there is no cleaning or pickup for the host! Always a big plus in my book! A party at home is always very personal, intimate, and perfect if you're having a smaller fete." — Gina Wade, entertaining and lifestyle expert and special events planner for Gina Wade Creative, Los Angeles, California
Stay Home
"Having it at home is perfectly fine! No need to shell out big bucks — or stress out — for baby's first birthday. All they want is to eat the wrapping paper anyway!"
Keep It Simple
"Keep it simple. Don't go crazy renting out a play place for a first birthday when your child may not even be walking yet. I think, if possible, you should host at your home or at a park. It's easy to go overboard because you're so excited to have made it through the first year of parenthood — as you should be! — but save that party cash for when they'll really be able to enjoy the celebration."
Hall or Restaurant
"If it's mostly adults — which is common for a first birthday — then a restaurant or more formal setting would work well. If the birthday boy or girl has older siblings, or lots of cousins and friends, a more kid-friendly venue like a park or kids' gym might work best. We actually did something in between — a hall. Ours was at our local Sons of Italy Club; a VFW or church hall would be similar. My brothers played guitar for the handful of kids, and my teenage cousin did face painting. We also had a big food selection and drinks setup, since the majority of guests were adults."
Park or Event Space
"I like a party at a park (especially one where you can rent a pavilion); a small event space (it doesn't need to be fancy because it's easy to decorate for a first birthday — think firehouse, church hall, Elks Club); or a private room at a restaurant."
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