No matter how much tissue paper or fancy wrapping there is, no Mother's Day gift is complete without a card to go with it. Whether it's completely handmade or from the expensive aisle in the greeting card section, a Mother's Day card can be used to express gratitude and show love for the woman who dried our tears, changed our diapers, made us countless boxes of mac and cheese, helped with our homework, dealt with our teenage angst (not to mention our loud music), and reminded us to wear our coats all those years.
Gifts like flowers, jewelry, chocolates, or perfume are a touching way to let Mom know that she's loved, but it's what's written in her Mother's Day card that really lets her know what how family feels about her. And on those days when she needs a little reminder, re-reading a Mother's Day card might be just the pick-me-up a mom needs to tackle that load in the dryer or help finish that science fair project.
But wanting to write the perfect note in a Mother's Day card can be easier said than done. Sometimes just thinking about how awesome Mom is creates an emotional rush that causes awful writer's block. Or sometimes it's a struggle to figure out how to honor those women in our lives that aren't technically our mom, but deserve to be recognized on Mother's Day just the same.
But just because the words get stuck between our brains and the pen doesn't mean Mom shouldn't get a Mother's Day card that lets her know just how amazing she truly is. We've gathered up 40 perfect things to write in Mother's Day cards for moms, wives, grandmothers, mother-in-laws, and friends. From funny to sincere, here's what to say to show them how loved they are.
For the Mom Who Loves a Laugh

Hey, there's no denying this fact. And it's not bragging if it's true.
For the Mom Who Understands

Nothing makes a mom want to call her own mother and apologize for how she acted as a kid like her own kid refusing to eat dinner three nights in a row.
For the Long-Suffering Mom

If Mom's a fan of funny memes and exaggerated sighs, she'll totally get this one.
For the Mom Who's Always There

Yes, she knows she's a supermom. But it's still nice to hear others say it too!
For the Sweet & Sentimental Mom

Maybe a funny card will finally get her to open that recipe box and hand it over already!
For a Sentimental Mother-in-Law

A sweet sentiment for when the only thing that isn't a fight is how great her son is.
For an Amazing Mother-in-Law

Perfect for the mother-in-law who's more like a mom.
For a Mother-in-Law Who Raised Him Right

When she doesn't automatically take his side in an argument.
For a Mother-in-Law Who's Truly One of a Kind

Won the mother-in-law lottery? Let her know.
For a Mother-in-Law Who's More Like a Bestie

For the mother-in-law who's also a shopping partner, book club buddy, and shoulder to lean on.
For Mom From the Family

For the mom whose hugs can make anything better.
For the Mom Who Keeps It All Together

To the mom who keeps the whole family fed, organized, clothed, and on time.
For the Mom Who's Loved by All

Sometimes simple and honest words from the heart say it best.
For the Mom Who Gives Her All

We're all busy. Take Mother's Day to let Mom know that her always taking time for the family is very much appreciated.
For the Mom Who's Grown Closer

It's okay to acknowledge when a relationship hasn't always been perfect, because it makes the bond that's there now that much more precious.
For the Mom Who Loves a Good Cry

Some of the most important things we pass on have nothing to do with genetics.
For Mom After You Become One Yourself

They say it's impossible to know how much parents loves their child until folks become parents themselves.
For the Mom You Admire

Like mother, like daughter.
For the Mom Who Always Makes You Feel Special

Let Mom know that everything she's ever done is so appreciated.
For a Woman Who Loves You Like a Mom

Families are complicated. Love isn't.
For a Special Friend or Mentor

Mother's Day is the perfect time to thank the people in our lives who helped raise us, relatives or not.
For a Mom You Admire

Perfect for the aunt, sister, or family friend who's a true role model.
For a Special Stepmom

Genetics aren't a requirement of being a mom. On Mother's Day give a shout-out to anyone who fills that role.
For Someone Who's Just Like a Mom to You

For the woman who's love and support is unconditional.
For Grandma, From the Whole Family

For the grandma who wears a million hats, and goes by a million names.
To Grandma, From the Kids

Saying yes to everything is rule number one in the Grandma Handbook.
For the One-in-a-Million Grandma

Let the kids sign this one themselves and she'll frame it for sure.
To Grandma, From Her Granddaughter

Great from the grandkid who's got his or her own brand of sparkle and swagger.
To the Grandma Who's Like a Mom

For the grandma who's always on the go with the grands in tow.
To the Grandma Who Shines

Great for tween and teens to a grandma who loves to share a laugh.
For a Wife Who's Always Right

Admitting she was right in writing is better than any present.
For the Wife Who Does It All

Doing the laundry is never appreciated enough.
For the Wife You Couldn't Live Without

Moms of crazy preschoolers will totally relate to this one.
For the Wife Who Means Everything

When she's the reason for everything, let her know.
For a Wife You Admire

To the wife and mother who's the heart of the whole family.
For a Mom Bestie

From childhood friends to lifelong besties, this Mother's Day, thank the women who've always been there.
For a Mom Friend Who's Always Been There

Without a mom tribe, we'd all be lost. Thank the universe and that baby group for bring the crew together.
For an Irreplaceable Sister

This Mother's Day, thank the sister who's always uber prepared for playdates.
For a Bestie Who Can Do It All

To the bestie who shares her talents.
For a Sister With a New Baby

For the bestie or sister who's in the parenting trenches.
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