Finding out you're expecting is such huge news, it's easy to want to immediately share it with everyone you know — friends, family, cashiers in the checkout line. But nine months is a long time, and pregnancies can be complicated. Even if yours ends up being picture perfect, revealing the news that you're pregnant is best done over time, both so that you're not overwhelmed, and so that you get the thrill of sharing your joy with others multiple times.
But when do you tell people you're pregnant? And who do you tell that you're expecting when? Not to worry, momma-to-be. We've created the ultimate timeline to notify everyone in your life that you're expecting. Use it as a guideline to sharing your pregnancy news with the people you love. All you have to worry about now? Deciding on the perfect baby name!
.001 seconds after the test comes back positive: Celebrate (or freak out!) with your partner

Whether you've been waiting for this moment forever, or you grab a test because you're a few days late and something doesn't feel right, the results can still feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. Excitement, shock, and the knowing that no matter what happens, life after this will never be the same. Go wake your partner up and show them your pee-stained trophy, or, if you have the patience of a monk, make a cute gift box for them and film their reaction. Either way, tell them ASAP so you can both be thrilled and scared together!
8 Weeks Pregnant: Tell the Grandparents

Even if you peed on 100 pregnancy tests that all came back positive, it's important to get an appointment with your OB/GYN to confirm that you are, in fact, growing a tiny human, and that everything's right on track (this way your mom won't start debating the merits of being called Nanny vs Mema for a false alarm). This first appointment usually takes place right around eight weeks, after which is the perfect time to gather up all the grandparents-to-be and share your big news. Bonus? You'll probably have the first ultrasound pics for everyone to squeal over.
Grandparents pregnancy announcement, $28 CrabAppleDesign/Etsy
Week 9: Gather up the aunties

You're in the thick of the OMG-I'm-pregnant excitement, and possibly dealing with some gnarly morning sickness, which means having the support of your nearest and dearest is key right now. At nine weeks along in a pregnancy there's up to a 10 percent chance of miscarriage. But if you'd want your sister or best friend by your side in the event things didn't work out, and you're dying to tell them how much the smell of chicken is making you want to hurl, then go ahead and send them the text that will rock their week. (Be sure to swear them to secrecy, obvs.)
Auntie Shirt $16, Shop At Bash/Etsy
Week 12: Alert the squad

At 12 weeks, the risk of miscarriage drops significantly to 5 percent, which makes many people more comfortable with sharing the news with friends. Celebrate the end of the first trimester by sharing your exciting news with the girls. Besides you can't keep avoiding mimosas at brunch much longer without them figuring out something's up anyway.
14-16 Weeks: Stop work gossip in its tracks

Until now you may have managed to keep the bun in the oven under wraps, but you won't be able too much longer — most baby bumps start to become visible in the second trimester, making it a little harder to convince your coworkers that you're just carrying a food baby from the burrito you had for lunch. Now's a good time to tell the office that you're working for two, and to start to make plans for who will cover your workload while you're out on maternity leave.
18 Weeks: Friends battling infertility

People who are struggling with infertility have the unique experience of feeling happiness for others mixed with sadness for themselves when they find out friends and family are pregnant. If you have people in your life you adore who are fighting to get pregnant and you haven't already shared your news with them, consider sending them a personal text or message letting them know you understand if the news is conflicting for them, rather than having them find out en mass with a social media post.
20 Weeks: Facebook official

If you had a blood test done earlier in your pregnancy, you might already know if the visitor inside you is a little prince or a princess. Still, some moms-to-be chose to wait until after the anatomy scan (usually performed between 18 and 22 weeks) before sharing the news of their expanding family with the world. Not only will the anatomy scan confirm the baby's gender (unless you want to be surprised), it checks the baby's growth and developing organ systems to make sure everything's as to be expected.
Week 30: Tell your pets

It might seem silly to think about sitting your pooch down to explain that they won't be the only baby in the house for long, but pets need to be prepared for a new sibling, just like human kids. Help your baby and fur baby bond by letting your pet sniff the crib and baby swing, and play any loud toys so they get familiar to the sounds in advance. The ASPCA even recommends some gentle poking and pulling of your pet (with treats as a reward) to prepare them for the curious toddler days ahead.