Wedding season is in full swing, which means so too are debates around whether or not kids should be invited to attend a couple's "I do's." One mom from the United Kingdom is making headlines for a particularly frustrating situation, in which she says she spent over $5,000 on wedding travel, only to find out that her 5-month-old, who is still breastfeeding, wasn't allowed at the celebration.
According to the mom, she booked flights for her family to attend the wedding in Australia a year in advance.

The anonymous mom, writing under the handle Lucy B, took to the message board site Netmums to share that she was told a year ahead of time that her cousin's wedding was going to be in Australian. Shortly after after finding out the date, she let them know that her family would be attending and bought tickets totaling £4,000 ($5,312).
But when the official invitation arrived three weeks before their flight, she found out that her kids weren't invited to the wedding. To make matters worse, after landing in Australia she was asked to find a babysitter.
"I researched online but couldn't find anyone (they live in the suburbs)," she wrote. "Everyone I knew in Australia, was attending the wedding," she wrote. "Am I being unreasonable to think it's a joke they can't make an exception for a breastfeed baby flying from England?"
The frustrated mom is seriously pissed and many agreed that they would feel exactly the same.

Others think the couple should be willing to compromise and feel the "no kids" request seemed like an afterthought.

Even those who think it's the couple's prerogative to make the guest list think an exception should be made in this siutaion.

Sure, a couple has the right to keep their guest list to adults only … But there are also times when it seems like a no-brainer to make an exception. Given that this family had to fly across the planet and spend thousands, there was clearly a miscommunication, and the baby is breastfeeding, you'd think the bride and groom would be cool with letting the L.O. attend.
Although the original poster has yet to share an update on what transpired with the big day, here's hoping it all worked out for this mom — and others in the same boat who are simply doing their best to celebrate and parent simultaneously!