Hysterical Video Shows Dad ‘Breastfeeding’ His Baby & People Are Calling It ‘Weird’

When a baby is hungry, nothing in the world can stop him or her from trying to get fed — not even if the baby is being held by the father, who is decidedly incapable of breastfeeding. One dad learned this the hard way when he was snuggling with his baby girl and she started voraciously trying to breastfeed. He shared the funny video on Twitter hoping for a laugh, but instead it's sparked mixed reactions.

"Baby girl was obviously confused," the dad wrote in the video's caption on Twitter.

In it, his baby is dozing on his chest while attempting to "comfort nurse." For most people, it was a sweet moment between father and daughter that he was lucky to catch on video.


But others were freaked out by the display and told the dad he shouldn't have posted it.


And some just wanted to know if the comfort nursing was actually working.


Despite people's discomfort with all things breastfeeding, there's absolutely nothing weird about what this baby was doing.


Comfort nursing is a real thing. Studies show that "non-nutritive sucking (or comfort sucking) helps reduce stress in babies and can even alleviate pain. Plus, it helps soothe babies and help them fall asleep. They don't know that dad's nipples aren't the right ones! They're just acting on instinct.

Breastfeeding is not weird, despite society's convictions that it's somehow sexual or dirty or strange. Babies are going to do what they're going to do, and sometimes a nipple is just a nipple. Kudos to this dad for sharing a sweet and silly bonding moment between himself and his baby girl.