Expert Warns About Drinking in Front of Kids, But Parents Aren’t Convinced

The subject of alcohol when it comes to teens and kids is still a touchy subject. For some, drinking in front of younger kids is an extreme no-no, whereas others might consider a glass or two to be fine when having dinner with your family. But is there a right way of thinking about this?

In a recent interview with Australia's Today Show, expert Michael Thorn and a food editor, Jane de Graaf, debated the pros and cons of drinking in front of your little ones. But despite Thorn's warning about the risks of exposing your kids to this type of behavior, not every parent was swayed by his argument.

To get down to the bottom of the debate, host Georgie Parker asked both her guests why one should -- or should not -- drink in front of their kids.


"We drink in front of our children and we always have done, ever since they were very little," answered de Graaf, editor of the site* 9Kitchen*. She added that she personally believes that if parents model "good behavior" with alcohol and "good ways of interacting with it, then it's probably not a bad thing," she said. 

"It will help them understand how to interact with alcohol when they're older," she added. But that doesn't mean that the mom doesn't feel pressure by what other parents think.

"You're swamped with so many different opinions when you speak to people," de Graaf explained. She added that she has friends one both sides of the spectrum; some hide the idea of drinking from their kids and others will go home "in a bad state." And although she doesn't support parents who are drinking to excess, she does say that she believes there needs to be a "mid-ground" and "balance" between the two.

But expert Michael Thorn pushed back against the mom, saying that research shows that kids exposed to alcohol at an early age are in danger.


Thorn, CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, explained that even though the idea of a happy-medium is nice, that attitude doesn't really represent what the data proves.

"What the research shows is that children exposed to alcohol earlier in their life tend to drink sooner and have more problems with alcohol later in life," Thorn explained.

"We know from some studies that kids from the age of 3 can start to understand the circumstances under which, or where, alcohol is consumed — whether that's a celebration or an argument that leads to a domestic incident. Kids understand what's going on with their parents drinking," he added.

He argued that the issue should be about modeling good behaviors for kids and "being terribly responsible about that." 

"I don't think parents should feel guilty. They've got a job to do and that's to raise their kids as best they possibly can."

And Parker asked Thorn if he believes that parents who want to drink should "hide" their drinking from their kids.


"My advice to parents is dn't drink in front of them, but if you're going to, make sure that you're not doing things that introduce a norm to those circumstances that later lead to problems with that young person's attitude toward alcohol," he suggested.

People on Facebook, however, didn't seem to agree. One user commented on the interview and argued that she "don't reckon [it] makes a difference, peer pressure, who they hang out with, has more of an impact than what they live [with] at home!"

Someone else cheekily revealed that as a child she had even been slipped port or sherry occasionally, but growing up she "never thought about it."

"I have never drunk much alcohol ever in my life," the person added. 

And a third person chimed in that there is "Nothing wrong with having a drink or two in front of your kids. It's when you are drinking to excess, not functioning or becoming violent that is a problem."