Mom Reveals Why Stay-at-Home Moms Can’t Get Anything Done & It’s Hysterical

What really happens when a mom is at home during the day? Cara Maria Leighty just answered that question in the most hilarious way imaginable. The mom posted a viral video on her Facebook page that lays out exactly why she can't get anything done during the day and, well, let's just say it's not for the reasons you think.

Leighty's video shows her trying to clean her house, but she keeps getting distracted ... by epic dance breaks.

Most people are aware of the usual issues that pop out when moms try to clean — the kids won't stop making messes, the phone rings, the dog needs to go out, the toddler needs a snack in the blue cup right now. But those aren't the only distractions. Leighty breaks the monotony of chores with some moves like Jagger that frankly make me a little jealous.

She breaks it down while dusting.


And while wiping down the counters.


And even while vacuuming.


And actually, she gets a lot of cleaning done, even with the dance breaks. It's almost inspirational.

Her video shows the hysterical and sometimes whacky things moms do to stay sane all day, and that's why people are loving it.


As many pointed out, moms might actually get moredone using Leighty's method.


Maybe she should patent it. Move over, Marie Kondo. The Cara Maria Leighty Method is coming to make cleaning into a daily '90s dance party.