Jade Devis is nothing if not determined. Earlier this year, the Rancho Cucamonga, California, mom-to-be was given a devastating breast cancer diagnosis early in her pregnancy. She defied some medical advice by not only insisting on carrying her baby to full term but also starting treatment before giving birth. In doing so, she faced both chemotherapy and pregnancy head on, which is why a recent photo of Devis and her healthy newborn son has touched the hearts of many, as the pair got to kiss and cuddle for the very first time.
Devis first received her cancer diagnosis shortly after learning that she was pregnant.

Thirty-six-year-old Devis had gone to the doctor in March complaining of a lump in her breast that was painful and hard to the touch, according to a press release for Loma Linda University Health. But her doctors assured her the unbearable pain was just a symptom of her pregnancy.
Devis wasn't convinced, and she requested a biopsy instead. She's so thankful she did.
"If I had ignored it, I would have been dead," she shared.
As it turned out, Devis had stage 2 triple negative cancer -- one of the rarest forms of breast cancer there is.
At the time, Devis' doctor told her to reconsider her pregnancy, warning that it was too early to guarantee that she would give birth to a healthy child if she decided to pursue treatment. She was also told that if she wanted to keep her baby, she'd need the help of a specialist.
“I did not know how I felt about the pregnancy until I was told I should not continue my pregnancy,” Devis said. “That is when something rose up inside of me — I wanted to keep my baby because I would not allow a stranger to tell me my child’s fate.”
On April 9, Devis underwent a successful lumpectomy, but she soon learned the next course of treatment would be chemotherapy.

The mom-to-be would need several rounds of the treatment to keep the cancer from recurring in other organs, which definitely made her hesitant.
"We're told growing up that, when you're pregnant, you're supposed to feel radiant," she told Good Morning America. Her chemo treatment, however, had already started to weigh on her heart.
"I had parent guilt," Devis said. "I felt bad for already feeling bad. Then, someone tells you the only way out of the situation [is] by doing one thing you're not supposed to do, and that puts your baby in harm's way."
Her doctors had a game plan, though: Oncologist Dr. Gayathri Nagaraj explained that it is actually safer for expectant mothers to undergo treatment when mom is in her second or third trimester with modifications and held off on doing a CT scan and radiation until after Devis gave birth.
"She received three cycles of chemo during the second and third trimesters of her pregnancy," Nagaraj shared.
Finally, on July 25, Devis paused treatment for a week to give birth to her son, Bradley.

Born weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces, baby Bradley arrived without complication. And shortly after his birth, someone snapped a photo of the pair cuddling in bed. The loving image, which is now going viral, is a testament to everything Devis has gone through. It's also a sweet reminder of what is possible when you have a network of people behind you.
"There's no need to wait until the baby is delivered and give your cancer a chance to grow," Nagaraj explained. "There are risks, but there are benefits. Jade did great. She took all the medical support we offered her and she remains strong. I think this story is worth telling because of all the women [she] and Bradley would inspire."
Devis will begin radiation treatment next month and is scheduled to finish this third round of chemo in November, but on a GoFundMe page the mom created to help cover medical fees, she wrote that for now she feels nothing but gratitude.
"I am over the moon as a new mom," Devis wrote. "I still become overwhelmed with gratitude as I recall all the support and prayers I received from strangers during my pregnancy and continue to receive to this day. I am also grateful to all the doctors and nurses at Loma Linda who have treated me with such care and compassion and were my Angels during this hard period. I am indebted to all."
So far, the mom has raised over $1,500 toward medical expenses.
As for her little boy, Devis calls him her "miracle child."
"I know I am blessed when I look at my son," she wrote on her GoFundMe page. "I can’t ask for more than that. I have no expectations as I know there are so many others out there going through hard times of their own, but I am grateful for this platform nonetheless."
And it seems others are grateful that she's using it.
"Continue to be POSITIVE and STRONG we are all behind you," one person commented.
"Hope everything turns out good for you Jade," wrote another.
But perhaps one person said it best, after giving a donation of $100: "I am in awe of this brave young mother," the donor wrote.
It's honestly hard not to be.