There is a lot of excitement that happens when you’re expecting, and taking those monthly bump photos is one of those things. It’s fun to have a project that you can revisit every month. And these photos show off growth and how much good change is happening. It’s a great thing to look back on, and thankfully, the fun doesn’t end when the baby is born.
There are ways to continue that fun monthly photoshoot even after the baby is born. Taking on a monthly countdown is an appropriate great project that leaves a wonderful memorial photo montage when the baby is older.
For these monthly countdown photos, there are several ways they can be done. We’ve rounded up 20 photos that count down or up to baby’s first year (or beyond). These are unique and fun ways to highlight the baby’s growth that allow an opportunity to flex those creative muscles.
Say it With a Prop
Use a blanket either purchased or made at home and one prop that will be used every month to highlight which month the baby has achieved. This one is adorable because it comes with the baby’s lovey or teddy bear so it can be measured along with the baby’s height.
Pretty in Pictures
This is another countdown photo that uses a blanket or a sheet with the months written on it. For this one, keeping the same or similar outfit is out the window, and each month has a new symbol to show off which month the baby has reached for each photo. It's fun to watch the baby go from lying down to sitting as well.
Monthly Product Fun
Sometimes putting all the months together doesn’t make sense until the baby’s all the way to the first year. For each month, consider writing out the month with fun products that go along with the photo shoot, making it unique for each one.
Say it With a Slice
There are so many opportunities to get creative in terms of these monthly photo shoots, and this one does just that. Instead of using numbers to show off which month the baby’s age is, use a prop that grows or changes each month. This genius photo shoot uses pizza.
Photo for Fun
Instead of making a photo collage, hang each of the images on twine and put them up. This monthly photo shoot has the baby wearing the same type of outfit, in this case a white onesie. Doing this helps show the baby’s growth so much more. How much changes in 12 months!
Set a Scene
Some parents are really creative with their monthly countdown photos, and this parent has it down. Choose a fun way to highlight a different life scene each month. In this case, baby is celebrating 6 months with a rainy scene.
Grow With Me
Another fun way to highlight the baby’s growth is to find a stuffed animal toy that’s on the larger size and use that each month beside the sweet growing baby. It will be fun to watch how the baby interacts with the toy when getting older and seeing the growth through that process.
It’s All a Number
Another example of using a fun prop, this monthly countdown incorporates eggs arranged to show off the month of the baby. Doing things like this is a great way to infuse personality and personal moments into these adorable photos.
That Special Chair
There no hard and fast rules for these monthly countdown photos for baby, so if going beyond the first year is what feels right, then there’s no harm in doing just that. In fact, the longer they’re done, the more fun they become. This one uses the same chair to anchor all the photos together.
Donut of the Month
Remember how much fun the pizza countdown was? Well, who says the slices can’t be replaced with donuts? This is a fun take on that monthly countdown and an example of how they can be switched up to show off individual personality.
Mark It With Love
There are a lot of ways to bring in color into these countdown photos, and this one does it with subtle and sweet hints of pink and red. Using a heart to mark the month is a sweet token, and it makes for beautiful memories too.
Illustrate It With Fun
If illustration is something of a skill in the household, that’s a fun way to start these monthly countdowns. That way there is no limitation because the little one won’t pose wearing something on its head or be limited with supplies in the home.
Show It With a Onesie
Sometimes keeping things more simple is better, and showing off the month on a onesie is an effective option. This way the baby is in a similar outfit each month, and baby's growth while counting to the first year is the main fun focus.
Milestones inMonths
Instead of using a chair, this adorable baby bed looks like it’s meant for a doll. However, it’s just the right size to really highlight how much the baby is growing each month and counting to that first year (or beyond). The best part of this is how the pose changes as baby grows and gains new skills.
From Belly to Baby
Using mama as the prop that holds up the baby is a sweet way to really show off that growth because baby used to fit inside mama. Starting this countdown from that final month of pregnancy is a sweet starting spot; continue the count for as long as possible.
However They Sit
How sweet is the personality of this little one? The best of these countdown photos is when there’s the ability to capture all the personality of the baby. Going from lying down to slumped to barely being able to keep the baby sitting still long enough to pose is perfection.
From Dad to Baby
We’ve seen mom be the background prop for these photos, holding baby to mark the month and growth. Well, now it’s dad’s turn. This is a cute twist that shows there are unlimited ways to do these countdown photos.
Toys and Props
Instead of using printed or marked out month markers, this one uses fun props and toys — and the baby — organized in ways that spell out the month. As baby's personality develops and comes out, we get to see more interaction with the countdown itself.
With a Best Friend
Have the baby’s pretend best friend in the photo shoot as well to provide the perfect monthly countdown companion. This one works well because we get to see how the baby grows and eventually plays with a little photo shoot best friend.
I Am a Baby
There is no rule that says the whole baby needs to be in the picture. This monthly countdown photo focuses on the baby’s sweet face. Around the top of the baby's head we get to see the month set out with fun alphabet magnets.