No matter how hard she might try, no mom is able to keep her kids from ever getting hurt. Even one mom on Reddit, whose baby accidentally rolled off the sofa and onto the floor during a diaper change. The fall prompted an emergency visit to the hospital. Her husband should have praised her for doing the right thing, but instead he’s absolutely furious and told the mom she was "overreacting."
The mom was in the middle of a diaper change about two months ago when she made a slight miscalculation.

The math of diaper changing is a little difficult to get the hang of, but all I know if that mom + baby wipes stashed behind her = one unattended baby.
“I admit [this] was incredibly stupid on my part as little one (LO) had started rolling and kicking more.” she wrote on the Am I The A–hole forum.
She swore she only took her eyes off her daughter for a moment.
And of course, in that one instant the OP’s baby rolled off of the couch and onto the hardwood floor.
“Which is about two foot from the sofa cushions,” she explained. Luckily, there weren’t any tears and her baby didn’t seem to be in any pain.
“But as a precaution I rang the pediatrician who said to bring her into [the Accident & Emergency Room] just to be on the safe side,” she wrote.
Before she went to the hospital, she called her husband to check-in and see what he thought.
He told her he agreed with their doctor and encouraged her to take the baby to get checked. The doctors at the hospital told the mom that her baby was “completely fine," but because she is an infant, a report had to be filed.
Which led to a home visit from a social worker.
Overall, the check-in was fast and it was agreed that the whole thing was an accident.
“They often have cases where babies rolled and fell or got a slight bump to the head with no injuries that have to be checked out,” she explained.
She told her husband all of this when he got home from work.
He completely freaked.
“He got really upset saying how they'll always be breathing over our shoulders from now on and that it wasn't that big of a deal,” she recalled.
He even told her that their baby wasn’t hurt so she shouldn’t have taken her to the hospital in the first place.
Now he’s acting like a complete jerk.
“He's been making sly comments like don't take your eyes off the baby and make sure you don't drop her and the like since,” she added.
“Seeing as LO was completely fine, did I overreact and Am I The A–hole?” she wondered.
Most people were confused. The OP thought SHE overreacted?
“[Not the A–hole]," one commenter wrote. "An accident happened. It was unfortunate, but nothing bad has come of it. Except for your husband now acting like an a–hole.”
“[Not the A–hole] obviously," someone else agreed. "You were being a good mom and making sure there was nothing wrong with your baby. Not all injuries are visible and at that age, anything could have happened. You must have been really worried if you had to go to the hospital and for your husband to make sly comments even though he agreed to take her to the hospital in the first place makes him kinda an a–hole.”
A third commenter put it this way: “Is he more concerned about welfare checks that should ideally ensure the safety of all kids than the health of his own child? Can't relate. You did the right thing! keep being a good mom!”
But this was more than just about a visit from a social worker. As the mom explained later in the thread, her hubby flipped his lid because the visit made them look bad.
“I think he's looking at it from a 'what will the neighbours say' point of view,” she explained. “We live in a nice area but the nice area comes with snobs and curtain twitchers.”
But that’s his problem — not the OP’s.
“He cares way too much about what they say,” she added.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.