16 Moms Reveal Their Realistic Resolutions for 2021

So, show of hands: Who is sad to see 2020 end? No hands? Nobody? Yeah, didn’t think so. There is no doubt that this past year was really challenging for most people. Nobody was really expecting a global pandemic when we rang in 2020, so many of us made New Year’s resolutions for 2020 that turned out to be, well, impossible to keep. Traditional resolutions like “go to the gym more” or “travel more” or even “save more money” turned out to be much more challenging for 2020 than anyone expected.

Perhaps the challenges of 2020 are the reason that so many moms are making some much more realistic and achievable resolutions for 2021. We talked to 16 moms for some real life resolutions that they actually think they’ll be able to keep, even in these super uncertain times.

Scroll on for some resolution inspiration!

Takeout Goals


“We are resolving to get takeout from a local restaurant once a week! Not only will this be tasty and make my life easier, but we’ll feel good about supporting a business that has been hard hit by COVID.” — Elizabeth C., Chandler, Arizona

Staying Sane


“Is not losing my mind a resolution? Because honestly, that is the only goal I have for this year! I’ve been doing distance learning with four kids since March and trying to work from home, too. Every day I don’t run naked from the house, screaming is a victory!” — Jennifer D., Saint Paul, Minnesota

Riding to Nowhere


“We got a Peloton, so all of my fitness goals for this year are things that I can do from home, which is good because I don’t see us going back to the gym anytime soon. I’m planning to ride at least three times a week.” — Katherine W., Burbank, California

Student Loans Goals


“My goal for 2021 is to use the money I’m saving from working for home (gas, tolls, getting lunch) to pay more aggressively toward my student loans. I’m hoping to cut my loan balance in half this year, if we keep working from home until the summer.” — Michelle K., Fort Wayne, Indiana

State Parks


“Our goal is to visit at least five state parks this year. It still feels too hard to plan for real travel, but day trips to beautiful spots in our own state feels doable.” — Lacey J., Brooklyn Park, Minnesota

Walking Together


“My husband and I haven’t had a date night in 11 months and it shows. My resolution this year is to go on a weekly walk with my husband. Our kids are old enough to hang out at home by themselves for a half hour so we can take a breather.” — Kaylin D., Denver, Colorado

Declutter Goals


“My goal is to make $500 on my local buy/sell/trade page. After sitting in my house all day for 11 months, I’m ready to declutter and get rid of the toys that haven’t been played with and the clothes we’ve all outgrown.” — Sarah H., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Get Vaccinated


“My only resolution is to get my COVID vaccine as soon as humanly possible! This pandemic isn’t going to end until we all do our part and I can’t wait to feel safer.” — Laura M., Atlanta, Georgia

Perfect Lasagna


“Mark my words — this is the year I finally perfect my homemade lasagna! I’m talking homemade pasta, sauce, the works. I’m almost there.” — Annie E., Albany, New York

Reading Goals


“Reading is my biggest form of stress relief, so I’m planning to read at least 52 books this year and my goal is to read only books by women or people of color. And I’m planning to only buy books from local bookstores if I can.” — Valencia G., Houston, Texas

Back on Schedule


“My biggest hope is that my kids will be safely back in face-to-face school by the fall semester, but we’ll have to work on making them … less feral by that point. Our schedules for showers, snacks, sleeping have all gone bonkers this year and we’ll have to work to get back to normal, whenever things are back to normal.” — Erin B., Minneapolis, Minnesota

Potty Time


“I have 2-year-old twins and my resolution is to use all this time at home to get them both potty trained by the summertime. I want to be diaper-free whenever we are able to go on our first COVID vacation.” — Meghan B., Grimes, Iowa

Learning French


“I miss traveling so much. I can’t wait until we can go overseas again, so I’m going to use 2021 to practice French on my language app. Fingers crossed for Paris in 2022!” — Quinn R., Raleigh, North Carolina

'West Wing'


“I’m going to binge watch the whole series of West Wing to celebrate the new president and the end (finally!!) of the Trump era. I’ve been building my binge-watching muscles all 2020, so I’m ready.” — Katie K., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Increase Giving


“We’ve been lucky to be basically financially stable this last year, so my resolution is to increase our charitable giving for 2021. We’re fortunate to have some level of privilege, so I want give back more.” — Serena O., Grand Rapids, Michigan

No-Diet Year


“This year, for the first time ever, I am resolving to NOT go on a diet. My body has survived having babies and getting COVID, so this is the year I really practice loving the perfectly imperfect body I have right now!” — Jessie M., Naples, Florida