Plus Size & Pregnant Mom Shares the Rudest Things Ask About Her Bump

Pregnancy changes your body. This is a fact that surprises nobody. But mom Suz Smith, who goes by @plussizeglorified online, has had a completely different experience than some you may see while scrolling through social media because she’s plus size and pregnant. Of course, people just had to get all up in her business and make some pretty shady comments, but the mom is clapping back and posted a series of TikTok videos to share some of the weird questions and remarks she gets.

Smith has no problem putting a few commenters in their place and hopefully educating some in the process.

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“Questions I’ve gotten about pregnancy as a plus size person,” she called a video from July 23.

The first question was a doozy — “You know you could die right?”


Right off the bat, it’s clear that these weren’t questions about chafed nipples and swollen ankles.

“So could you,” the mom shot back.

“Aren’t you afraid your fat is squishing your baby?”

“No. My body got pregnant and has now carried two babies,” she answered. “Fat both times.”

Another person asked how many babies Smith was carrying, writing, “you're huge.”

“One. How much fat bias is in you?” she responded. “Stop commenting on pregnant peoples’ bodies!”

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it.

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Smith made a part two to her video — and yes, the comments this time were worse.

One person wanted to know “how’d he even find it?” Cue the eyeroll.

Another person claimed her son was in the NICU “because you’re fat.”

“My son almost died from lack of oxygen during birth, not because I’m fat,” Smith explained.

The comments are certainly annoying, but as these videos show, a lot of judgement and misinformation exists when it comes to being pregnant and plus size.

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In fact, in another video from July 30, Smith admitted that during her first pregnancy she felt “ashamed” and scared “that my body would never show the life that was growing inside of me because I'm bigger.”

“I thought I would only just look fat, but I didn't,” she said. “The bump came. It didn't look the same as the ones I saw on every post-partum, pregnancy, motherhood website, it didn't look like the other Instagram models, but it was mine and my baby deserved to be shared.”

“All bumps are beautiful,” she said. “Take the bump photos. Even if it’s just for yourself."

In the comments, other mothers applauded Smith for speaking up about something that can sometimes feel shameful.


“Thank you for sharing,” one commenter wrote. “I’ve been worrying about the same thing but this is a beautiful way to look at it.”

“You friend are such an amazing inspiration,” another commenter told her.

“You put words to exactly how I felt when pregnant with my son,” someone else wrote.

We think we can all agree that all mamas deserve to be celebrated — no matter what their bodies look like.