Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade's toddler daughter Kaavia is an entire mood all by herself. Not only is this celebrity couple's little one absolutely beautiful, but she's sassy and smart, too, and social media just can't get enough of her. She is all over both of her parent's social media accounts and to be honest, we totally get it. When our kids do and say hilarious things, we can't help but snap a pic or video and post it on Instagram or Snapchat either. Someone else has to witness this nonsense, right? It reminds us that kids really are just tiny people.
It took Gabrielle a long time to have her first child due to fertility issues, and we're sure that now that Kaavia is here, Gab is totally obsessed with her. Apparently, the internet is, too, and Gabrielle and Dwyane have not only created a dedicated Instagram account for Kaavia, but they also just released a children's book titled Shady Baby, based entirely on her moody looks.
We had to take a look for ourselves, so we stalked the Instagram accounts to find all the best pictures of Kaavia and OMG the girl is already a master at the side-eye and she's not even in pre-K yet. She is 100% a mood and maybe even a little bit shady — but in the most adorable way. Check out her hilariously moody little faces.
Do What I Want
Kaavia looks like she really wants someone to pick her up here and won't take no for an answer. Who could resist those eyes? "Kids, I've found a winner!!! They cannot resist this face!" this shot was captioned, and we totally agree. Any parent would be game for snuggles after getting that look.
Feeling Hangry
We all know this look. Kaavia was clearly feeling hangry. It's that, "Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't ask me for anything until I get some food in my belly" look. We bet she really enjoyed that waffle and milk. There's nothing like carbs to curb that hangry feeling we've all experienced on occasion.
Lookin' Like Her Daddy
Kaavia was obviously channeling her baller daddy in these photos. She may be wearing pigtails and a pastel tie-dye onesie, but that face is all Dwyane, and she looks like she's really feeling it, too. Actually, we think we can spot Dwyane's shorts in one of these shots and he and Kaavia may have been wearing matching outfits.
Kaavia sure was excited about something in this pre-New Year's photo. That kind of joy is what we should all be chasing after. But also, she just looks like she's ready for some major chill time with the 'rents, doesn't she? We love that pale pink outfit, especially how soft and cozy it looks. We agree. You look "dope" girl.
Maybe Kaavia was just excited about her new ride-on toy in that photo. This little video is hilarious! Her face at the end is totally priceless. "When you think the homies are over exaggerating and turns out they were dead on! GET OUTTA THERE!!!" Sounds about right. Hold on, Kaavia!
Oh, Dad
We think Kaavia's probably super sleepy in this photo of her and her daddy and may be a little bit over the kisses or perhaps the situation, but still doesn't want to leave daddy's arms. Her body looks so relaxed, but her face is totally saying, "I love you too, but enough with the kisses already, dad."
Can't Catch Me
It's hard to say what Kaavia might have been running from or to, but she looks totally determined to move as fast as she can. If she's inherited any of Dwyane's athletic ability, we have no doubt that she will. Oh, and she's gonna look real cute while doing it too. Just look at those chunky thighs!
Girl, Please
"When they don't realize you are NOT the 1 or the 2. Periodt. #ShadyBaby," this consummate shady baby post was captioned. Kaavia is not having it, and her face shows it. Kaavia has so much personality in that teeny tiny body. She must have her entire family ROTFL all day, every day.
I Don't Like Drama, But ...
That moment when you overhear the gossip and there's an internal debate about whether to get involved or not. Yeah, that's Kaavia here. We think she made the right call, though. She may not be sipping the tea, but she's definitely nibbling the toast. That's right girl, just listen and keep to yourself.
But, Really?
OMG! That look! Maybe she's over the photos? Who knows, but Kaavia's look is priceless in this photo. "when you know someone's feeding you bs but you pretend like you don't know they lying," one Instagram user captioned the photo and yeah, we agree, that's that look for sure.
Self-Care Sunday
Girl, yes! We feel the same way when we get to take a bubble bath. There's nothing like slipping into a warm bath on a Sunday afternoon and Kaavia's face totally captures that feeling. She is just so precious. Even though she throws shade with that face often, her smile is seriously priceless.
Kaavia may not have any intention of actually taking a nap so she's in a better mood, but don't expect her to be happy and smile for the picture either. Like most toddlers, she is gonna sit right there and be grumpy even though she refuses to do the one thing that everyone knows will put her in a better mood.
Excuse Me
Clearly, Kaavia is not convinced. In fact, she looks downright confused by whatever's going on. Then it's like she's thinking, "Oh, wait. Is that a croissant. Oh, OK. I'm good then," and we totally get it. That buttery goodness can set all things right in an instant for us too. Eat up, little one.
Kaavia Doesn't Share Food
Ooh, girl. We don't really like sharing our food either, but that's your mama. "If sharing Is caring, @kaaviajames ain't the 1 or the 2!!
She does not play about her @bitsysbrainfood," Gabrielle captioned this relatable video of Kaavia enjoying a yummy snack.
So Into It
Gotta be honest, we watched Moana this intensely the first few times we saw it, too. It's an incredible movie. Kaavia has good taste! Moana's 'tude probably feels real familiar to sassy little Kaav. We know Gab must treasure every single one of these snuggly mother-daughter moments.
What Is This?!
Apparently, Kaavia is not a fan of sand, but recently conquered her fear with the support of her daddy. Her little face holds so much emotion and is so incredibly expressive. We hope she never loses that! But girl, we bet the sand will grow on you — the beach is a magical place.
Who Dat?
Um, Kaavia is really not sure about this situation. Mama Gab is over there looking like a queen, but Kaavia clearly sees something she's not so sure about. Either that, or she is just totally over the mommy-and-me photo shoot. Still though, we can't help but swoon over their matching curls.