21 Reasons Kate Middleton Is Ready To Be Queen

When it comes to the future, no one's looks as bright as Kate Middleton's. Sure, she already kind of has it all (a prince as a husband, HRH status, and three adorable kids), but there's something special coming her way at some point in her life, and that's the honor of being the Queen consort — which is the official title of the wife of a king, although she'll be addressed as Queen Catherine. She obviously isn't the Queen by birth, and Prince William will be taking most of the responsibility as the King of England, but the Duchess of Cambridge's role in the royal family is certainly going to change drastically once this happens. Is she ready? More than anyone could ever be, if ya ask us. She's been a duchess for nine years, so she's definitely been learning the ropes over the years. 

From figuring out how to deal with the constant public attention to learning how to be a mom, Kate has pretty much dealt with it all and then some, which makes us believe that she's going to make one rocking queen. 

If there's anyone who could follow in Queen Elizabeth's footsteps almost perfectly, it's definitely Kate Middleton. She has all the grace, poise, elegance, and spunk that it takes to be Queen consort of the United Kingdom, so there's no doubt in our minds that she's going to do an amazing job eventually. Not to mention, she'll also be the perfect role model for little Prince George, who is set to take the throne after his father. Prince Charles is first in line for the throne. After him, Prince William is set to take over as King of England.

We honestly can't help but be a little be envious of the fact that Kate Middleton going to be queen one day, but let's face it, no one can do Kate's job quite like her. Because we're all somewhat jealous of Kate's queen-like qualities, here are 20 reasons why the duchess is already ready to sit on that throne.

She Had Time to Think About Her Situation

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Remember when Kate and Prince William broke up for a period of time, in 2007? Although it wasn't fun for anybody, it did give the couple time to think about their relationship, and most importantly, it gave Kate time to decide if this was the life she wanted. She also said it was a blessing in disguise in another way:

"At the time I wasn't very happy about it, but it actually made me a stronger person. You find out things about yourself that maybe you hadn't realized. I think you can get quite consumed by a relationship when you are younger, and I really valued that time for me as well." 

A queen is ready when she's ready.

She's Great With the Public

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Kate is gracious and patient while she's meeting and speaking with crowds that gather at her outings — so much so that there's no doubt in our minds that she'll make an amazing queen one day. Though the royal family didn't mix too often with the public in the past, Princess Diana changed all that, proving that being the "queen of people's hearts" is powerful in its own right.

She Looks Dang Good in a Tiara

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Is there anyone who can pull off a tiara quite like the duchess? Though the historic Cambridge Lover's Knot is her tiara of choice (and Princess Diana's favorite as well), the one Kate is pictured in above is the first she wore after her wedding: the gorgeous, all-diamond Lotus Flower tiara, which initially belonged to Queen Elizabeth's mother. As lovely as those pieces are, once she becomes Queen Catherine, Kate will have her choice of a cache of amazing jewelry.

She Knows What's Expected of Her

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Having been a royal for about nine years now, Kate has a pretty firm grasp of what will be expected of her once Prince William takes the throne. She definitely won't be going into this blindly. "She knows the importance of the institution and her role to play. She knows that being a member of the royal family is a bit like having a contract, you sign on the dotted line and you deliver," a source told People.

She's Had a Role Model in the Queen

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How could anyone not be a great queen with Queen Elizabeth as a role model? Queen E has been on the job for many, many decades now — longer than any British monarch ever, in fact. And although Kate will be a queen consort, not a reigning queen like Elizabeth, her grandmother-in-law has reportedly personally passed down her knowledge in one-on-one sessions. That makes sense, as no one is more invested in having the monarchy continue than the woman who has served it for her entire adult life.

She's Already a Great Mom

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Great mom, great queen consort. That's how it works, right? We'd certainly says so. Moms are leaders, supporters who help guide others, calming forces when life gets tough, as well as fullfilling many other roles, and that's pretty much what traditional queen consorts do as well, for an entire country. Kate Middleton is such a warm and loving mom, that we can only imagine her parenting skills will seep into her life as a top member of the royal family.

She's Poised in Front of the Cameras

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Even though she didn't grow up in the spotlight, Kate has definitely taken to the cameras well. She never seems nervous, overwhelmed, or anything else that might suggest she's not comfortable being in the public eye. For all we know, she might pop an anti-anxiety pill before official outings or have the occasional breakdown in private, but what she puts out into the world is a perfectly poised member of the royal family. 

Kate seems like she can keep it up for a whole lifetime.

She's Been Taking on More Responsibility

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Over the last few years, Kate has been taking on more royal projects than ever before. Although some of her latest added duties have come because of Harry and Meghan's exit, she's also received several of Queen Elizabeth's own patronages, a sign that the monarch trusts her enough to continue to invest in her, rather than simply hand over those responsibilities to Prince Charles' wife Camilla, who will actually be queen consort first.

She's Had Plenty of Time To Prepare

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Kate has been a duchess for nine years, and she dated William for nearly a decade before that. So she's had plenty of exposure to the realities and pressures of royal life, and time enough to come to terms with the future the lies ahead of her should she and William stay married — just like when she and Will broke up, Kate definitely hasn't been rushing into anything at all. No wonder she seems to at ease in her role.

She Respects Queen Elizabeth's Opinions

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I mean … who wouldn't? Over the years, Kate has attended a number of different royal engagements with the Queen, and they definitely seem like they've formed a special bond. (We never see the Queen out and about with Duchess Camilla, by comparison.) Apparently, it took a long time for them to get their relationship going, but now it's just humming along. Kate even showed the monarch around a new garden that she created at the annual Chelsea Flower Show.

She Already Has the Wardrobe Down

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Well, this is one thing that Kate has never had an issue with. Kate has been dressing like a queen since day one (hello iconic wedding dress designed by Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen!), so we know that when she has a different title in front of her name, her wardrobe will only get even more regal. We just hope she doesn't follow Queen Elizabeth's style on this one. 

Stay away from pastels, Kate!

She Can Handle the Pressure

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Every test that has come her way, Kate has passed with flying colors. Sure, her life can be extremely stressful at times — with the press and paparazzi have hounded her since she was a college student. Back then, they called her "Waity Katie," because it took her and William so long to get engaged. Later on, as a new royal, they called her lazy for not initially taking on a lot of duties. But through it all, Kate has always stayed cool, calm, and collected, and kept on truckin' (lorryin'?).

She Always Knows Exactly What To Say

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No matter what situation she's in, Kate always has the perfect, royal response. She's never caught off guard, and whatever comes out of her mouth is always regal. Granted, it wasn't always that way. After her shaky first public speech, she reportedly said that she found public speaking "nerve-wracking" but has clearly worked hard to overcome her fear. Never let it be said she's not a worker!

She Knows the Importance of Family

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We've known for a while now that with Kate, family always comes first. She'll surely have more responsibilities once Prince William takes the throne, but we know with her, it's always going to be about her kiddos, George, Charlotte, and Louis. And that's actually a good thing for the monarchy, because its future depends on their stability and readiness to take over when their turn comes to represent the royal family.

She Can Take a Joke

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What's a queen without a sense of humor? We know Queen Elizabeth certainly appreciates a good joke here and there, and Kate isn't any different. Judging from the many pictures of her and William laughing, this duchess has a cheeky side. Well, William told us as much in the couple's engagement interview, in which he talked about what first drew him to her:

"She’s got a really naughty sense of humor which really helps me because I’ve got a really dirty sense of humor so it was good fun, we had a really good laugh, and then things happened," he revealed.

She Knows How To Make a Marriage Work

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Every marriage has its ups and downs, and Prince William and Kate's relationship is no exception. These two have to deal with pressures that the rest of us don't, so kudos to Kate for always being a strong partner for Wills. But it actually sounds like they do that for each other, as a source told People: "They look after each other but in different ways. Some people might say it's an old-fashioned marriage, but it seems to work. They have different roles, but they come together as a team."

She's Been Going Through Training

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Yup — there's such a thing as queen training! Now, we don't know how official this is, but it's rumored that Kate is picking up a few tips and tricks here and there, and this has been going on for a few years now. How could it be otherwise? No one enters the royal family, which has been nicknamed "The Firm," without getting a road map for how to behave, how to wave, and how to cross legs properly (only at the ankle!).

She & Will Are Breaking Off on Their Own

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Kate and Will are supposedly officially breaking off on their own with their royal charities. The Cambridges were teaming up with the Sussexes for the first few months after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got married, but the couples' households separated because Kate and Will are preparing for much, much bigger things. They're at the forefront of the Royal Foundation, and their path leads straight to the throne.

She Can Handle Solo Appearances

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Kate has no problem flying solo! For some royals, we imagine that attending an important event sans a spouse would be daunting, but Kate always seems completely comfortable handling these engagements by herself. Indeed, we would not be surprised at all if she and William held simultaneous events and more people showed up to greet and hopefully meet the warm, stylish queen-to-be. 

We know we would!

She's Received Special Honors From the Queen

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In April 2019, Queen Elizabeth named Kate the Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. (This is a HUGE deal.) It's the highest honor the monarch gives to people she feels that have done a great service or represented her well. Kate got it on her eighth wedding anniversary, which makes it abundantly obvious that she's basically the best thing that's happened to the monarchy in a long time.

She Has Been Evolving Her Style

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Sure, Kate may have worn thigh-high skirts and dresses during her early days as a royal, but that's understandable: She was a young woman and she was new to the ultra-buttoned up Windsor family. But over the years, she's become more and more conservative in her dress, a stylist and royal analyzer told Express, adding that Kate is still Kate, but has elevated her game to match her current and future status.